Hadi qabilka meel iska dhigno and the 'osman mahmoud' waqtisa bay tahay crap, look at how he changed our education system. Our education system was garbage like the rest of Somalia, they were teaching multiple curriculums all from overseas, there was no quality or standard at all, they all came out stupid about their own country and knew more about the foreign countries then their own homes. We were slowly losing our puntite identity and becoming xoolahasi salebaan gaal iyo michael mariamo and those niggas in waqoyi.
See how having a history can make you CHANGE? Because u have something to refer to prior to colonialism which other clans simply do not have, they have nothing to look back in the past before the white man came as their was no kingdom or governance or anything. Today Puntland education system is the best quality acknowledged by all Somalis where-ever they are.
We need huge reforms in our health sector like the education sector. Today our medicines are garbage and expired, our hospitals lack facilities and equipments, we have no dedicated health care plan beyond maternal and child matters, we are doing OK in this respect only and bringing down the number of puntite mortalities by creating MCH right at the rural areas so rural populations can give birth in their own towns rather then coming to the city like Hargeisa which only has one MCH edna aden facility all centralized to hargeisa kkkk. I support we decentralize MCH to each tuulo and district so they give birth there. We need a plan that outlines 5 general hospitals of high quality and equipments and staff in each of the 5 gobols of Puntland. Then we should centralize only specialist facilities to Garowe as this is the capital and most of our talent will be here in terms of doctors. Eventually when our capacity builds up we can begin to de-centralize specialist facilities with branches in each of the 5 states of Puntland.
We must adhere to federalism and ensure we decentralize where-ever possible and if we can't to centralize only for the time being untill our capacity is strong enough to federalize all services. The principle of federalism must be seen in Puntland. We want all our people no matter where they are having access to primary school, secondary school, university, and top class hospital facilities and work opportunities depending on their locality and their capacity as a district.
We also have great immunisation projects that are routinely done in Puntland to ensure our kids are healthy. I have yet to see this be de-centralized from Garowe and into each region yet though. So in terms of our mortality rates it is decreasing and probably the lowest in Somalia as we have MCH right at the tuulo level and it's decentralized.
What we need is a plan now to upgrade our hospital facilities in terms of the staff there and the equipments and we need to dedicate time-frames when we will start beginning specialist health facilities. Beyond general hospitals we have nothing else. No specialist facility in Puntland in any area and they seek this from outside the country.
We need a massive health policy that will provide reforms as big as the education reforms of Juxa.
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