This is cadaan people in a nutshell

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Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Isn't is bizarre how white people can live in a foreign land for 15 years and still won't see themselves as immigrants. The entitlement is real.



That neo-imperialistic mentality. ''We can live and work in your country as we please but how dare you try to do the same in ours''.
That neo-imperialistic mentality. ''We can live and work in your country as we please but how dare you try to do the same in ours''.

Well then you could easily refuse them entry visas into your country. What's with the complaining?

Stop putting these people on a pedestal and act like they have unlimited power. If you don't want them in our country then they won't be permitted entry.

What's with all this fuss?


Well then you could easily refuse them entry visas into your country. What's with the complaining?

Stop putting these people on a pedestal and act like they have unlimited power. If you don't want them in our country then they won't be permitted entry.

What's with all this fuss?

Well, I don't think Spain can afford to leave the EU because they benefit from the current arrangements (freedom of goods, capital and services). Whereas an economic powerhouse such as Britain can afford to leave the EU. That's what the fuss is all about. Britain is having a referendum over this issue in couple of months. So, it's quite hypocritical to be for a Br-exit when the people in question have benefited from it.


Your superior
Well duh, they can come to your country and do whatever they want but God help you if you go to their lands
This is 1000% true. Another example is Stefan Molyneux, the popular ''philosopher'' on youtube. This guy is an immigrant from Ireland to Canada, yet he and moans about immigrants. The hypocrisy.


Suicidal men adore me.
I've noticed that too. White people really have a strange mentality. You should listen what white South Africans have to say about the native people.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Ain't that serious. Somalia kicked them out in the 60s when they supported Kenya in the Shifta war. They grabbed their passports and bags and went on the first flight back to London, they only have influence if you let them

In the far East there were Brits in Jail awaiting execution for drug trafficking, you think them being white and brit saved them? Ha!
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