This IS Not A Drill! All Sunni Muslims Need To Vote For Trump!


Let him cook
Trump will ban Somalis coming to America and is driving alot of immigrant hate. Somalias lifeline and only hope is people working and making something of themselves abroad. If no more somali immigrants it’s bad. Arabs and Persians can figure their issues out. I’m voting for my interest and Somali interest. Not gonna vote for maga party that hates everything about me as somali immigrant
Are you retarded? Iran is the only oppositional force to an Israeli hegemony in the Middle East
This reminds me of dumbfuck qabilists siding with Ethiopia to spite some other dumbfuck qabilists
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Don’t vote is my advice to Somalis in America, whoever wins it won’t be good for the Muslims, by voting for either candidate Muslims may end up giving legitimacy to a Zionist which is bad news (they’re all Zionist)
Are you retarded? Iran is the only oppositional force to an Israeli hegemony in the Middle East
This reminds me of dumbfuck qabilists siding with Ethiopia to spite some other dumbfuck qabilists

Exactly, Iranian being taken out strengthens Israel.

Trump would be worse for Palestinians and Muslims.

Muslims should not be voting actually. All candidates will be killing Muslims but trump will be worse and probably guarantee more war.

Do not vote at all for these evil people.

