This will only happen to me. FML.

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Queen Carawelo

So I called in sick for work today. I wanted to clean my car, get an oil change,rotate the tires. So I always go to this really nice garage. It's called Bobby and Steve's in Eden prairie. It's a 3 level garage/gas station/diner. I got a hot chocolate, went upstairs with my laptop in the waiting area. The waiting is really clean and nice. Anyways, I start replying to emails. And guess who taps my shoulder, my boss's wife. She was also getting an oil change, so I'm like fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. So I smile and we sat down and talked, she was mainly complaining about her Mexican babysitter. Guess who texted her when we were sitting, MY BOSS. She's like I'm with _______. At this time I want to disappear. Then my boss texts me, being sarcastic. I played along. Thank god my boss is cool. If he started shit with me, I would have texted him saying I will tell your wife about your multiple Valentine flowers and chocolate run, thank god he didn't say anything else. But I was ready.
There's no rule that says you can only take your sick days when you're sick. Everyone needs a personal day or two, some people save their sick days for a vacation so there's really nothing your boss can do so you don't need to stress it.

Queen Carawelo

There's no rule that says you can only take your sick days when you're sick. Everyone needs a personal day or two, some people save their sick days for a vacation so there's really nothing your boss can do so you don't need to stress it.
I hated that I came off as a liar, even though I lied lol

But I really needed this today. I treated myself to some good lunch, shopped and enjoyed today.
My old boss who still works with us calls them "well days" and encourages her staff to take them. I don't use them though. I took advantage of coming in late though or doing errands instead of "medical appointments". Or Id just go outside for an hour and a half in the morning and chill. I told her this to establish trust and she appreciates it. Some bosses don't mind what you do as long as you complete the work required. " You're the managers of your own time" is what she always said.

But now my new boss is a Somali older abo. He peeks at my desk every morning to see if I've arrived. I'm happy for him but I don't want him as my boss. Huge micro manager. He would not be happy if I took a sick day. I think he would shout at me if he found out I misused a sick day. He's hard on me and not the cadaans to show he's not picking ethnic favorites.
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