Thoughts on the AMA

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
I didnt really look at it cause I was expecting a Somali pastor which he wasnt thats too bad cause I wanted to tell him if a Somali person leaves islam they are no longer a Somali, theyre just a gaal

Please stop eating canjeero, Thank you

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Sometimes some butthurt somalis say this, unfortunately for them, there is no argument that would make this make sense. It's one of the most desperate reaches I have ever seen.

What do you think of rendille? They were orginally dir who were kicked out for not converting to Islam.Ethnicity is just a social construct and it's based on the boundaries the society prescribes.

It's the opposite for whites, any convert to Islam because 'non white' and loses out on those privileges. It's not just somalis who feel religion is a part and parcel of ethnicity.
What do you think of rendille? They were orginally dir who were kicked out for not converting to Islam.Ethnicity is just a social construct and it's based on the boundaries the society prescribes.

It's the opposite for whites, any convert to Islam because 'non white' and loses out on those privileges. It's not just somalis who feel religion is a part and parcel of ethnicity.

Why make up history?

Rendille were not Dir and Rendille nomads simply went a different path.
What do you think of rendille? They were orginally dir who were kicked out for not converting to Islam.Ethnicity is just a social construct and it's based on the boundaries the society prescribes.

It's the opposite for whites, any convert to Islam because 'non white' and loses out on those privileges. It's not just somalis who feel religion is a part and parcel of ethnicity.

I don't know anything about that group or their history. But, it still wouldn't apply to each individual person today. What would you say about those christian somalis who fought for somali independence because of their somalinimo. As far as i know, nobody was telling them they were not somali. A better argument could be made for pakistanis who convert to another religion, that would have a recent historical reasoning behind it, but even that would be a reach that only the desperate would make.

Even if a majority of somalis thought that, there wouldn't be a decent argument for it. Somalis form familial bonds through blood, you get your clan through your blood, you are somali because of your blood. I've never heard a somali say that somebody who is non-somali, even from regional ethnic groups, becoming muslim makes them somali. Nobody would say that because it doesn't make sense, and there is no need for that. Reasoning like this needs to apply both ways, and it never does, for one obvious reason. The reason people say this is because they wish to dehumanize those who have left Islam, and deter others from being honest about their beliefs, through what is in effect a threat. It doesn't make sense and it doesn't have to. Because all they are saying is, you will be an outcast from the community and your family, well yeah a lot of us are, but you don't have to make up nonsense to get there.

Somalis are 99% muslim and have every reason to be confident in their religion. Not many somalis converted to christianity through colonialism after all. But I guess the recent icrease in atheists and agnostics among somali youth in the west has made folk nervous.
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