Tik Tok Somali drama! Abdullahi Dhuffle vs Youboss


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
The latest Homosexual scandal between two Somali Abgaals has hit tik tok. First it began, when Youboss married a marexaan woman who had a reputation. Abdullahi duffle- the highly feminine pitched abgaal inaa adeer went Ape. So much that Youboss was completely outraged.

"What is this Mudhahaaraad? Protests"? He asked.

The back and forth between the two continued until Dahir Alasow- Queen Royol homosexual intervened to put them together in his LIVE for the sake of ratings.

Lo and Behold- Secrets came out.

Abdullahi Dhuffle the broken hearted high pitched feminine faraax threatened to expose Youboss with a sex video.

Except there is a problem.

By exposing this video- he is exposing himself too. Allegedly the had a gay sex.

Waaaiit the plot thickens

Abdullahi dhufle released a video of him and Youbos swimming. And said there is more.

Youboss then went to his LIVE and said- there is A Bottom gay . and a Top Gay. He is a top gay. And Abdullahi is what he is.

Suddenly all hell went lose when Queen Dahir Alasoow intervened again to do Damage control. Abdullaahi opened his LIVE with an apology to the wife of Youboss.

to the applause of the commenters and audience.

Then Youboss came to the live and apologized. And said we are men- we will always be friends.

Miss Abdullaahi dhuffle responded with --- NO ME AND YOU ARE FINSIHED. The world is TOO BIG---please go your way and i will go my way. My apology to your wife.

My wife------Abdullaahi suddenly announces forced me to apologize.

Whaaaaa h? Did Miss Abdullaahi Dhuffle said he has a wife?????

Queen Dahir Alaasoow- YOU ARE A GENIUS! :gladbron::ohno::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah::chrisfreshhah:

Queen Dahir Alaaasoow


YOUBOSS -- the Husband and top man of poor Miss Dhuffle


Abdulaahi Dhuffle-- the broken hearted feminine - high pitched

Absolutely disgusting. It was just a week ago that transgender Mascuud was caught by Kenyan police for trans-fishing the fob community and now this. Somalis need to be saved from social media. This is an abomination and a complete disaster 😷🤮🤢


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
Absolutely disgusting. It was just a week ago that transgender Mascuud was caught by Kenyan police for trans-fishing the fob community and now this. Somalis need to be saved from social media. This is an abomination and a complete disaster 😷🤮🤢

Yes poor Mascuud. Walaahi i feel sorry for her. or he. Quite sadness itself.

Again- walaahi i love tik tok. Walaahi oo bilaahi oo tolaahi my mental health has improved since i became a tik tok somali junkie. Indeed it has been amazing. So much that i have blocked toxic families whom i used to tolerate and not anymore.

And best friend and acquaintances. While they curse tik tok day and night- i am grateful day and night


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