Tim Scott has a "Girlfriend"


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
South Carolina Senator running for president was asked WHY is he single at 57??????? He was hounded for his odd single status. He is not alone- there is another Senator in South Carolina- Graham who is White, also single never married in his late 50s. (Is it the water in the south Carolina?)

Anyway-- Adeer quickly produced a "girlfriend" and posed with her in front of the Press- his teeth grinning like its 1999

Nice Try GAY Scottie. She is a lesbo just like u r a GAY. See her signature Lesbo outfit? A masculine blazer.




East Africa UNUKA LEH
Heโ€™s khanis. Conservatives are suspect about him so he had to hire a girlfriend for photo ops.