Tips on beating procrastination

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If you have any tips on beating procrastination, then please post it here.

I personally find the best way to beat procrastination is to attach your work symbolically to enjoyable activities. For example, if I have to study for my math exam, I would set a reward for myself if I was to complete at least several hours of studying. For example, I would tell myself that I'm not allowed to watch an episode of "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air" unless I do at least 1 hour of studying. Essentially, what this will do is to deter gratification until I complete my work/studies....and this forces me to remain disciplined and focused.

I know a guy who's enrolled in university while being married. He often tells himself, "I refuse to have sex with my wife until I complete my homework/assignment." He sets and creates future rewards (ie. sex) for himself if he completed certain tasks, and that is what motivates him to actually work harder and refrain from procrastinating.

When it comes to hitting the gym and working out....I initially had a lot of problems staying consistent and going to the gym regularly. Then one day, I said to myself, "I will refuse to hang out with any of my friends until I spend at least 30 minutes in the gym everyday." That strategy ended up working and I've gone to the gym ever since.

Share any tips you might have.
Procrastination is like my twin. I postpone to work on my assignments and essays right until the last day and I usually do an all-nighter to do them. I realized that kind of pressure enables me to produce any result since no matter how hard I tried to get rid of that bad habit I failed all the time. Now I fully gave in to procrastination and put off almost everything until the last minute. It's stupid and risky (academically) but no other method worked for me.


Procrastination is like my twin. I postpone to work on my assignments and essays right until the last day and I usually do an all-nighter to do them. I realized that kind of pressure enables me to produce any result since no matter how hard I tried to get rid of that bad habit I failed all the time. Now I fully gave in to procrastination and put off almost everything until the last minute. It's stupid and risky (academically) but no other method worked for me.
this is legit me. I try to make myself feel better about procrastinating by saying I work/do better under pressure :zhqjlmx:


The same as you Kaafiye - make life all about that task and you're working on it all the damn day long. I also like to get colourful notebooks and stationery to cheer me up.

Queen Carawelo

If I can beat procrastination anyone can, I was the queen of procrastination. As I got older, who am I kidding I started it this year. I do all the work or tasks the minute I get them, at first it was hard but I pushed through, I always tell myself, finish everything now, chill later, I programmed my mind on that.
Found this chrome extension called Stayfocused, it restricts access to the web or certain
websites for a length of time of your choosing.

I added this site to the list lol
If I can beat procrastination anyone can, I was the queen of procrastination. As I got older, who am I kidding I started it this year. I do all the work or tasks the minute I get them, at first it was hard but I pushed through, I always tell myself, finish everything now, chill later, I programmed my mind on that.

Lucky you to escape from the claws of that merciless enemy known as procrastination. It dominated almost every aspect of my life. I am not sure if it's a cause or an effect but the internet is the # 1 powerful force that makes me procrastinate the most. Once I start browsing the internet I forget everything else going on around me and I realize hours have passed and I haven't started a single task, let alone finished it. I am not even into smartphones (for social media, texting or talking), video games or televisions (I watch my favorite TV shows on my PC once a week). All those hours on my PC and I don't even know what I spend them on. lol


Look up the Pomodoro technique. You have many apps for it (for your phone and on the PC).

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method. The technique uses a timer/app to break down work into intervals traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. These intervals are known as "pomodoros", the plural in English of the Italian word pomodoro meaning "tomato". The method is based on the idea that frequent breaks improves mental agility.


It works great.
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