To all the male chauvinistic drivers...

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Eff u. Don't cut me off on the road when I clearly have the right of way. Don't intimidate me. Don't blow kisses at me at a red light. Women are just as competent when it comes to driving/parking. I've experienced so much hate from men on the road which has caused me to develop extreme road rage lol


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Asian women are horrid drivers. One almost killed me by having total disregard for rules and laws.


Bored to death

Wallahi I hate when this happens (people taking my right of way). What I do is scare them by continuing driving for a bit, then when they slow down, I accelerate. It works wonders.


Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
A cop cut me off and proceeded to hit on me when he changed lanes while cutting another driver off. Stupid men.


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i've never had that happen but damn your place giving away licenses like charity :damn:
It took me a few times to pass my driving test but they're were all guys and I ended up with the same guy twice. Wallahi he failed me for no fockin reason. He was a sexist pig. They make it more difficult for females.

We need to take back the power girls. Punch a dude in their alaabs


. . .
Wallahi I hate when this happens (people taking my right of way). What I do is scare them by continuing driving for a bit, then when they slow down, I accelerate. It works wonders.
U sir are a fockin idiot. A bunch of guys in a car did that to me. The reversed nearly into my car
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