Today was hectic day in Boston

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Queen of the light
Pineal gland:pachah1:

Let me help you reach nirvana my crazy hippy girl. :mjswag:
Haha the bliss off discovering once third eye unlocking the potential of a greater unconscious mind. If we could only use more than 10% of our brain who knows what we could achieve
Almost every day the temperature goes above 40 celcius. I think once it reached 49 or 48.I am literally dying .:ohlord:
I was thinking of escaping the jahannam by going to the west or at least Africa. Buy damn the father left us behind again. :mjcry:. And it gets worse when it becomes. The ultimate adhaab. :ohlord:.
And You people complaining how it was in your area makes me mad. :ohlord:
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Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Almost every day the temperature goes above 40 celcius. I think once it reached 49 or 48.I am literally dying .:ohlord:
I was thinking of escaping the jahannam by going to the west or at least Africa. Buy damn the father left us behind again. :mjcry:. And it gets worse when it becomes. The ultimate adhaab. :ohlord:.
And You people complaining how it was in your area makes me mad. :ohlord:
Wow I feel sorry for you :lolbron:

We haven't had a day over 27 degrees celcius yet god has been good to us :banderas:


Queen of the light
Most of us we are lack of VITAMIN D. Secially people from Africa. I just need tnot more th a 15-30 minute a day.
That is becuase we cover ourselves up whilst the westerners let it all lose. I do believe in preserving ones modesty however it is making us sick of D deficiency. The end result is lathargy osteomalacia not good for ladies who are breastfeeding or pregnant.
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