TRUE FACT: No Somali owns a helicopter, 4 a nation of 12m. SAD!

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Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Among other things we don't own or have

National airline

Navy frigate ( 4 the nation that has the longest coasts line in Africa :snoop:)

Unified army

Nation ( Somalia ceased to exist 1991)


Any scientist inside the country

No single lab ( to test anything )

No hospital ( the ones there are primitive

Add more ..,there's like hundreds of thousands of things we don't have

There's a DNA testing lab in Puntland and how can you forget the strongest industry across Somalia (Telecommunications)

It's like you're trying to sully the geeljire name :icon lol:
Based on this website we used to export Gold as recently as 2010, i didn't know we had gold mines operating within our country.:shookgabre:

Screenshot (33).png

Here's the website link


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood

Starting at 6:30


Why God

As the Kenyans say "its our time to eat", that is why we destroyed the only thing of value we had. We killed the goose that laid the golden eggs. Somalis are a poor people in a poor region, but we at least had a government. We tore it down because "its my clan's turn".

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