Truer words have never been...Tweeted?

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Syrian economic migrants are not refugees.

They were safe in Turkey and Lebanon and Jordan, far away from IS.

Of course those same migrants probably did not do this terror attack but they are cut from the same cloth.

Anyone else notice the Syrian economic migrants are ALL grown men with Androids? Barely any females and children.

I saw the video where Syrian "refugees" refused water from Hungarian officials.

I saw an article of mothers and wives and daughters and sisters cursing their fathers, sons, husbands and brothers for fleeing and abandoning their families.
Just common sense, I thought it was deeper than that.

I tweet the truth everyday check out my tweets for further details obamadatazz


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
They were safe in Turkey and Lebanon and Jordan, far away from IS

Lebanon has a population of less than 6 million, 2 million of them are refugees from Syria and Palestine. That means refugees make up 30% of the total population in Lebanon. The EU has a population of 630 million and the current wave of refugees from the middle east are mere 0.25 million which is less than 0.05% of the total EU population.

So a small country like Lebanon is doing more than the entire EU member states combined. Besides don't you think they would, if they were economic migrants, rather fly than take a boat and risk their lives? :stopit:
Lebanon has a population of less than 6 million, 2 million of them are refugees from Syria and Palestine. That means refugees make up 30% of the total population in Lebanon. The EU has a population of 630 million and the current wave of refugees from the middle east are mere 0.25 million which is less than 0.05% of the total EU population.

So a small country like Lebanon is doing more than the entire EU member states combined

As they should be. The Lebanese and Syrian are the closest to each other than any other nation.

Germany shouldn't be taking 1.5 million Syrians in 2015 alone. Tell the Gulf nations who have taken zero to take the 1.5 million Germany took in 2015 alone.

Take care of your own please.
The Syrian men fled camps in Turkey and Jordan and Lebanon.

Camps? Really, CAMPS? You are even more brainless than I thought. What do you think CAMPS are, exactly? Cities with safety and security and jobs? I'm done having this conversation with you. Clearly, you don't even know what you talking about, you're just an Uncle Tom robot reposting hate filled bullsh!t you come across on the Internet.
Camps? Really, CAMPS? You are even more brainless than I thought. What do you think CAMPS are, exactly? Cities with safety and security and jobs? I'm done having this conversation with you. Clearly, you don't even know what you talking about, you're just an Uncle Tom robot reposting hate filled bullsh!t you come across on the Internet.

Refugees flee war. Those men fled safe camps.

Camps provided the safety they needed. It doesn't matter if it were covered in feces. It doesn't matter if they had no jobs. They are economic migrants.

They fled Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. They are not refugees. They were looking for a better life.

We can't be bringing in millions of economic migrants with no education or skills to the West.

Sorry. If you're an economic migrant, you apply the proper way through the embassy. You don't come crossing borders jumping the line.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Isn't the Universal Declaration of Human Rights the bible of atheists? This is what it says about seeking employment

Article 23 1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to protection against unemployment.
Article 25 1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.

Even if they were economic migrants. which they are not, they're exercising their human rights. :ufdup:
FYI, This is what a refugee camp looks like.


Do you see safety? Jobs? Do you see anything but death and despair? And who, exactly is behind this? Who is responsible for their suffering? What is the reason behind their circumstances? These are the questions you should be asking yourself. These people were doctors and lawyers and engineers and artists and poets with cities of beauty and peace until your m'fvcking western nations bombed them and made them flee their land for resources, crippled their economies and displaced millions for resources and POWER. Learn history you fvcking idiot.
Yes you have that "right" in your own countries, not the West.

Stop begging us and go live with the Saudis. Go beg your ummah. Stop begging us kufar to help you and shelter you.
FYI, This is what a refugee camp looks like.


Do you see safety? Jobs? Do you see anything but death and despair? And who, exactly is behind this? Who is responsible for their suffering? What is the reason behind their circumstances? These are the questions you should be asking yourself. These people were doctors and lawyers and engineers and artists and poets with cities of beauty and peace until your m'fvcking western nations bombed them and made them flee their land for resources, crippled their economies and displaced millions for resources and POWER. Learn history you fvcking idiot.

I don't care what they were or what conditions those camps are in. Dadaab and others in NFD and K5 has a million living in worse.

They have been living in Lebanon and Turkey and Jordan.

Those grown men invading European borders are not refugees.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
AJ you are not European, this doesn't concern you. Worry about how native women are being disproportionately Raped and murdered and how our government couldn't give too shits.

You aren't white so you do not even have tenuous ties to Germany.
AJ you are not European, this doesn't concern you. Worry about how native women are being disproportionately Raped and murdered and how our government couldn't give too shits.

You aren't white so you do not even have tenuous ties to Germany.

I'm telling you, this guy gives Uncle Tom a whole new meaning.
AJ you are not European, this doesn't concern you. Worry about how native women are being disproportionately Raped and murdered and how our government couldn't give too shits.

You aren't white so you do not even have tenuous ties to Germany.

The sissy Trudeau has promised an inquiry for those women killed by their own men in their own native community.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Yes you have that "right" in your own countries, not the West.

Stop begging us and go live with the Saudis. Go beg your ummah. Stop begging us kufar to help you and shelter you.

That kind of sentiment is in violation of the first article of the human rights charter. There's no 'us' and 'them', we should all live side by side in the spirit of brotherhood.:hemad:

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

As for downplaying the Saudi involvement, they too contributed more than the West. :pachah1:
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