Quintessentially negroid: Your problem?
Lol @AbdiJohnson
First Iran banned and now this
First Iran banned and now this
Gay rights groups are bracing for a possible executive order from Donald Trump concerning the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people.
According to initial reports, the rumoured order could affect adoption agencies that receive government funding, among other issues.
JoDee Winterhof, senior vice president of the Human Rights Campaign, called the rumours about a forthcoming order "deeply troubling".
Donald Trump signing an executive order
"As the President and his team plan their next steps, we want to make one thing clear: we won't give one inch when it comes to defending equality, whether it is a full-on frontal assault or an attack under the guise of religion," she said.
Josh Rogin, a columnist for the Washington Post, said a source in the Trump administration confirmed that an executive order had been drafted.
He said the order could allow government employees to refuse service to LGBT individuals based on their religious beliefs.
The case of a bakery forced to supply a cake for a gay wedding is often offered as an example of religious freedom being infringed upon.
Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary, was asked about the rumours that such an order would be issued during a press briefing on Monday.
"I'm going to get in and get ahead of the executive orders that we may or may not issue," he said. "There is a lot of executive orders, a lot of things that the President has talked about and will continue to fulfill, but we have nothing on that front now."
Another White House spokesperson said it was only "speculation" that such an order was forthcoming, and denied that one would be issued imminently.
The American Civil Liberties Union pledged on Monday to fight the order if it is issued.