Turbinate Reduction Surgery


This is a surgery which helps to improve airflow in people with chronic nasal obstruction. The surgeon reduces the size of your turbinates (small, bony structures inside of your nose) by removing excess tissue.

I had this surgery at 13 years old and it completely changed my life. Stopped me from becoming a full-time mouth breather, my face was able to develop properly.

This is usually noticeable in our community, lots of Somali people have hyponasal voices. So they constantly sound like they have a cold. If this is you, this is probably the reason why. I also think this is why we have a large percentage of mouth breathers, lots of these people do it because they just can’t breathe through their nose.

If you know anyone who mouth breathes and constantly sounds like they have a cold, let them know about this surgery. In the UK it is free to do under the NHS, I’m not sure about other countries.

