Turkish reporter tells truth about Istanbul conference

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Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood

Hassan Sheikh asked for development aid but you can't even travel within Mogadishu. No one is taking this meeting seriously since Puntland is not present. Before you could say we have all of Somalia Italia, but now with Puntland gone, they are having a hard time convincing anyone of their legitimacy.

I can't wait until Puntland holds elections so that its MPs are elected by the people and there are no longer traitors representing us in Mogadishu.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@TheUnderTaker PL cannot accept the continuation of 4.5 because it severely under-represents us. Bari and Nugaal have as many people as Bay and Bakool but only 20% of the representation. If we accept 4.5 as a national formula for the division of political power, it will gain legitimacy, and may become permanent like in Lebanon's National Pact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Pact

This would mean that Puntland and Darood at large will always be stuck at the PM position instead of the Presidency where we belong. Accepting 4.5 means accepting that clans like D&M and Dir are the numerical equivalents of Darood, which is total falsehood.


@TheUnderTaker PL cannot accept the continuation of 4.5 because it severely under-represents us. Bari and Nugaal have as many people as Bay and Bakool but only 20% of the representation. If we accept 4.5 as a national formula for the division of political power, it will gain legitimacy, and may become permanent like in Lebanon's National Pact https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Pact

This would mean that Puntland and Darood at large will always be stuck at the PM position instead of the Presidency where we belong. Accepting 4.5 means accepting that clans like D&M and Dir are the numerical equivalents of Darood, which is total falsehood.

They are equal and insha Allah they will have the presidency and the PM position. I knew this PL objection to 4.5 was qabiilist! Only in Somalia.



Hassan Sheikh asked for development aid but you can't even travel within Mogadishu. No one is taking this meeting seriously since Puntland is not present. Before you could say we have all of Somalia Italia, but now with Puntland gone, they are having a hard time convincing anyone of their legitimacy.

I can't wait until Puntland holds elections so that its MPs are elected by the people and there are no longer traitors representing us in Mogadishu.
You people picked out your own mps back then :damedamn:


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
@KowDheh Go look up the census estimate from last year. If fairness means equal representation Bay+Bakool would not have 50 seats and Bari+Nugaal 10. If 4.5 was fair, Osman Mohamud and Maxamed Zubeir would not have a combined total of 5 seats which is less than the 7 of Murusade. The two largest Darood subsubclans have 2 fewer seats than Murusade :ftw9nwa:

The whole thing is a big joke, but it is not funny because waa xaqdaro of the highest order.


Bay and Bakool have a larger population than Puntland. They're densely populated rich, fertile regions and if the census says the opposite wax baa ka dambeeyo. I'm sick of Darod/Hawiye leadership bilaa faaido every time & that's an understatement.


Your superior
Somali is being let down by darod and hawiye. Especially mj and HG. Get rid of those two cursed people and somalia will improve
@KowDheh Go look up the census estimate from last year. If fairness means equal representation Bay+Bakool would not have 50 seats and Bari+Nugaal 10. If 4.5 was fair, Osman Mohamud and Maxamed Zubeir would not have a combined total of 5 seats which is less than the 7 of Murusade. The two largest Darood subsubclans have 2 fewer seats than Murusade :ftw9nwa:

The whole thing is a big joke, but it is not funny because waa xaqdaro of the highest order.
Osman Mohamud has the same amount of seats as Badicadde and they want us to accept this. When we fight for our interests were labeled spoilers.:meleshame:
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