Adheer Warsame
We all know what turkey has done to Somalia. They built schools, hospitals, an airport and many other things. This is obviously a good thing and I thank them for it but I just can't stand seeing Somalis having their thinking swayed by this. They think turkey did all of this out of "brotherhood" and "da ummah", even journalists and politicians believe this. Everyone sensible knows that they did this for our ports and a military base. Whenever I criticise erdogan or the Turkish government, Somalis always stick up for him. Loving a fascist zealot who isn't even trusted by his own military. I even see somalis with Turkish flags in their profiles. Look at the schools and hospitals, Turkish flags draped everywhere and erdogans face is plastered everywhere. If a western country did this, Somalis would be gearing up for another war. How do we stop this new form of bootyclapping?