Ugaaska Guud ee Beesha Sade facilitates meeting between top Ethiopian millitary officials and senior Military officials in the Gedo region

Somali Saayid

Rer Siyaad Xuseen

Taliyaha Saktarka 3 aad ururk 38 ee Ciidanka Atmis gaar ahaan Kuwa Ethiopia fadhigooduna yahay degmada Garbaharey ee xarunta Gobolka gedo Ayaa saaka booqasho iyo salaan ugu tagay ugaaska guud ee beesha sade ugaas Maxamed ugaas xaashi ugaas xirsi waxaa kaloo ugaaska la joogay Taliyaha Guutada 10aad qeybta 43aad G/sare Warfaa sh aadan iyo saraakiil kale

The Ugaas have facilitated a meeting between Millitary officials from Gedo and Ethiopia. The topic was the tense scene in Gedo where a local militia in the regional capital has pledged to stop any of Ahmed Madobe's appointees from entering the region. They have taken up positions at the local airport, they search all passengers before allowing them to exit.

Similar scene are unfolding all across the region as the people refuse this new administration. The local administration has declared themselves the true administration of JL on the basis they hold the largest swath of territories not under AS. The new president has repeatedly said he has the backing of the new populace. In his first official act he named a new Maamul for Lower Jubba.



