What's more disrespectful than cowering to a warlord when you are the "president" of a country?Where is the ugaas I can't seem to find him anywhere in this video...Is this the level they will stoop to undermine law and order these guys are pathetic seriously
The bum giving the speech needs to be caned on video as soon as he reaches Sade jurisdiction for this disrespect
Can you tell me what the ugaas said and why you appreciate itPeople often forget that the true role of ugaas, garaad, islaan, sultan titles is to always promote peace and find solution to problems before they escalate. I really appreciate the ugaas strong words.
Dialogue has never failed when pride is put aside
Can you tell me what the ugaas said and why you appreciate it
When Farmaajo does something right you won't praise him you'll down play it or not mention it at all when he does something wrong you'll magnify it 10x to make him look like a monster or incompetent there's no way to have a transparent debate with you peopleWhat's more disrespectful than cowering to a warlord when you are the "president" of a country?
I watched all of their speeches including Abdirahman Abdishakur what the ugaas did was sheer ingenuity he said farmaajo said he isn’t a tribe he is wrong he is mareexan and I as the ugaas apologise on his behalf this was directed at fiqi Who implied on numerous occasions that farmaajo was a guest in Mogadishu.What's more disrespectful than cowering to a warlord when you are the "president" of a country?
Mudane madaxweyne farmaajo is the president of Somalia boowe including Puntland he doesn’t represent just mareexan he represents all of us may Allah bless and preserve him and prime minister khayre and the federal government of Somalia.What's more disrespectful than cowering to a warlord when you are the "president" of a country?
It's so obviously clear Abdirahman Abdishakur and his cohorts are trying to start a clan war to bring down this government there's no other option for them the cats out of the bag now.. look at that piece of shite laughing while his court jester he hired acts a foolI watched all of their speeches including Abdirahman Abdishakur what the ugaas did was sheer ingenuity he said farmaajo said he isn’t a tribe he is wrong he is mareexan and I as the ugaas apologise on his behalf this was directed at fiqi Who implied on numerous occasions that farmaajo was a guest in Mogadishu.
After the ugaas spoke a few other speakers including Abdirahman Abdishakur apologised for the ugaas remarks and said we don’t have a problem with mareexan kkk