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Emergency meeting everyone.

Am I the only one here who thinks Saudi is behind this? They're the biggest culprits. They've been trying to spread this failing doctrine of theirs everywhere to no avail. It's been rejected by all Muslim countries but due in part to the Siyaad Barre execution of protesters re xeerka cidda they've found one possible place to make it stick. Us. They're getting frozen out from the Muslim world, UAE has strict laws but they're liberal towards non Muslims and to a large extent their own too and everyone loves them, they're booming and still Islamic without being Wahabbi or Saudi whatever it's really called. Indonesia is another place which is liberal to foreigners but not to locals but its not heavily policed they have the odd shocking story but they're booming and proudly Muslim so they're inspiring and funding attacks there too. Yemen hates Saudi and they're bombing hospitals there while funding terrorists too. Saudi doesn't want to change despite the world-wide condemnation of it's treatment of women and foreign workers. It wants the Muslim world to adopt it's interpretation just so they don't lose face, so that they find blind 'Muslim solidarity' everywhere. Here's their plan:

Get the Muslim world to see deadly extremism which Saudi condemns unless they're Iranian clerics or Shia Mosques in their own country which they expect people to forget. Get a chance to teach their doctrine (identical) through extremists and sly sympathizers. Make sure Assad is depicted as the devil people are fleeing and slyly paint Daesh as heroic. Come in to save the day. Remind everyone of their interpretation of Islam through their media and Quran study courses etc. The beast has lain eggs in the brain. Everyone becomes super 'conservative' (only some diaspora missing so far from this transformation hence the hotel and beach attacks which get us through social media so we never go back). It can be achieved in little time. Iran has the same exact plan but Hassan picked the devil he thought he knew.

Typing on my phone so excuse the grammar.
You can blame the UN and the IC for supporting Saudi and watching idle by. The UN and IC are supposedly against extremism and radical islam, yet they turn their cheeks when it comes to saudi.

Saudis foreign policy is to export wahabism and use islam to arabize people in disguise. Iran wants to export shiism and radicalism to some extent as well not just Saudi.
There must be a debt. Something is up.

That's exactly what they're up to.

Yeah the west has been involved in the creation of Wahhbism and exportation of it. Yet somehow they act like victims. Perhaps its the Oil

Look at how they made Saudi head of Human Rights Council.


I know. Both sides gain economically from turning emerging economies into rubble. Rock bottom oil already now that Syria, Iraq and Yemen are war zones. Somalia is a obstacle because we're still people who can dodge this by using every identity we have as Somalis and concerned diaspora to battle this encroachment on our way of life and security. Thank God for federalism though. No wonder Daesh claim to be in Puntland and Somaliland is hounded as a state supporter of terrorism. It's coordinated, they want all dhul Somaliyeed except Ogaden which belongs to Ethiopia which in turn belongs to Saudi Arabia, 'IC' and now China to explore for oil and gas.
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