they aren’t. they have more rights than menFeminism is obsolete now. When I see things like this I have a hard time to believe women are being oppressed.
For a man to make that type of wealth, he’d need to put his head down and grind for years. However, what men have vs women is dignity. Now no nigga is gonna want to marry her.
What a joke, she made an onlyfan after turning 18 then made 1 million in American dollars $$$ just in 6 hours
Not going to lie. I'm impressed
Groomed by cashthis is actually really sad. she was groomed.
You can't even be mad at her. It's these desperate ass creepy men buying it. Without them OF wouldn't be a thing
Pretty much Simps like these are made for this.
In fact, those very same people celebrating OnlyFans are now being accused of exploiting others in an attempt to gain sign ups using their referral code – another crucial way creators make money on the site. Essentially, it’s a sex work pyramid scheme.