Unionist : The Multinicker, Stalker , A Fake SJW and A Huge Troll

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This guy is a multinicker Went by Tirii 2 days ago.

I exposed his trolly misleading ass before

he made the decieving SJW threads after reading me, @@Kaafiye and others response

After that he decided to make another user doing the same trolling.

WTF is ethnic Somalis when Darood and Isaaq claim to be Arabs?

on somnet he says the same thing.

Is there such a thing as "ethnic Somali"?
SteadyState said:
Or is Somali by culture and language only? It is clear what is understood as "ethnic Somali" by most people does not make any sense. You have people, like the Isaaq and Darods, who are Arabs of Iraqi and Yemeni origin, and then others such as the Dir and Hawiye who are black native Africans. If these very different people with different ethnic backgrounds can be considered Somali, then surely anyone who adopts the Somali culture and language as their own should also be considered Somali? Sort of like how anyone who adopts the English language and American culture becomes an American? There is no genetic test one can do that will you someone is an "ethnic American", and the same is true for Somalis.
How convient that both of these trolls said the exact same thing in the same time span.

Then this guy comes here and claims Fadumo Dayib of being half Madhiban and half bantu
Her father is Madhibaan and her mother is Somali Bantu. That automatically makes her Madhibaan because of her father.

Fadumo Dayib's father has been exiled from the clan because he married a bantu. Subxaanalah I thought Muslims weren't suppose to discriminate but Madhibaan thought it was blasphemy to marry a bantu.

Madhibaan are views as lower caste in Somali society.

Although this is incorrect, i wonder where did he get this from? he got it from stalking my threads. Cuz it is something i said and deduced directly from me word for word. The videos never mentions this and people would never conclude this by watcing them.

I've been roaming these forums starting from yesterday.

Despite this fact he claims he has been roaming these forums from yesterday. :what: Beenale!!

What happened to Trolling? it used to be a great Art Form. This is more obvious than that Boqorka Bantu fella. :pachah1:
LMAO, I'm famous enough to get an exclusive thread even though I was only active in 2 days.

Such paranoia to the point of delusional. All those whites beatings and bullying you guys have gone put ya'll on suicide alert. :chrisfreshhah:

Too much identity crisis that bantus seems to be the focal point of your aggression. This got to be riwaayad caadi.

Anything ya'll feeble minded pea brains can't handle is automatically labeled 'troll'. This is just getting ridiculous. :dead:
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