The religion of peace strikes again
Very sad AUN I loved his Barnaamij Dood wadaag on Universal
Idk man maybe they wanna live in their own country seriously what kinda question is that? And if they all unite for once I believe they can end this nightmare.Why would anyone live in a blast prone place like Xamar. Not only Xamar but the entire Somalia
They very backward people that is what being over too religious combined with two digit IQs does to your brain.Killing fellow followers of said religion?
They very backward people that is what being over too religious combined with two digit IQs does to your brain.
Those checkpoints are worthless, they need better soliders. When someone is constantly chewing they cant preform properly. All they collect is shaxaad. They dont search anything. The closest checkpoint to doing a resemblance of security is the kontrolka hargeysa coming from arabsiyo. They do thourgh checksWhen it happens this frequent, you gotta start blaming the authorities who's duty it is to protect its citizens.
Here in Somaliland we had an attack once in 2008 that really shocked us and we've vowed to never let it happen again. There's a reason why between every city/ town there's a checkpoint at the entrance.
Those checkpoints are worthless, they need better soliders. When someone is constantly chewing they cant preform properly. All they collect is shaxaad. They dont search anything. The closest checkpoint to doing a resemblance of security is the kontrolka hargeysa coming from arabsiyo. They do thourgh checks
Take your apostasy and jaahilnimo back to general, you cretin.The religion of peace strikes again
Shekh Cali Dheere ayaa daacish ku eedeeyay “iney banneysatay dhiigga Muslimiinta, gaaleysiisayna dad muslimiin ah