Unknown illness causes 100+ dead in Jubbada dhexe

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
It's the disease called improvishenzia, the opposite of affluenza.

Cholera breaks out in Somalia all the time and if you don't have access to medication in a few hours, you're dead.
Aun to them
We should ban the flights and people from there until it's under control we can't risk it to spread out


Suicidal men adore me.
Well where ever yhey are from..

Ebola could be at work

Ebola doesn't kill that fast. The incubation time of Ebola is around 21 days Cholera kills much faster. The symptoms described do not sound like Ebola. Ebola outbreaks in West Africa have been under control. It is very unlikely. Stop exaggerating.
aun! People back home drink from germs filled wells. It is hard not to get sick when you live under harsh conditions like they do. Pray for them people.


Somalia and Somaliland don't have any waste treatment facilities. All the toilets lead to a hole in the ground and the fresh water is pumped out of the ground. This is why people get very strange illnesses in Africa in general.
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