Urban Renaissance Has Began In The Capital Of Somaliland! Plus New Conventional Hall!

MaashaAllah, Caasimada Jamhuuriyada Barakaysan progressing nicely!


Keep up the good work ina Axmed Mooge.
if people moved to the coastal cities they could’ve saved lots of transportation costs and road maintenance, the greatest ancient cities all had coasts, makes it easier to trade
Hargeisa finally has real mayor after so long. Hes done more work in less than 1 year than his predecessor ever did. Just goes to show how people hide behind clan for their corruption
Caasimada is developing at a breathtaking pace:banderas:
The shacab has the capital to build the city but it only needs some decent urban planning and proper seewage system and if thats done by the new council then hargeisa will be a world class city within few years