USAID will not be dismantled but restructured

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi

USAID, an open front of the CIA is not going to be destroyed. In fact, reading between the lines of these tweets and knowing Trump, Im horrified. I now think America will be more explicit in requiring their ”allies” to be more pro-american. I initially celebrated the end of this terror organisation but not anymore. No one is going to give up such an useful organisation, certainly not Trump and his team.

We know Somalia gets a huge amount of money from Uncle Sam. There will be a huge cut but not all. The conflict between palestinians and jews has absolutely raised concerns about the security in the Red Sea region due to houthis. Somalia unfortunately is located at geopolitcally important region. There will be always concerns about us, no matter what. This is why we will still get ”aid” from USA.

Trump withdrew the troops from Somalia in his 1st term, I doubt that will happen now. We celebrated too early, we are still fücked.

