Very emotional video Somali albino has been discriminated

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Southie pride

Somali ilaahey dhulka idinla gooy oo baabah idinka dhig. Umada sideey ula dhgaqmayaan fiiri, that is so unfair.

Waxeey oranayan Allah nabad nasii, xagee nabad kuutalaa, weliga ma dhadhamineysid nabad.

I feel sorry for him.


Southie pride
He is Bantu from the noise, luckily that he lives in Somalia think about him in Tanzania and Kenya they will eat him. Seriously they eat albino there.

I'm more racist than anybody else here, but I've a heart, This man he need our kindness.
By the way, he has nothing to do with Tanzania, he was born in Somalia, he doesn't know anywhere else on earth beside Somalia.

These Albino in Tanzania I've hear their story long back, I know about them.
I'm more racist than anybody else here, but I've a heart, This man he need our kindness.
By the way, he has nothing to do with Tanzania, he was born in Somalia, he doesn't know anywhere else on earth beside Somalia.

These Albino in Tanzania I've hear their story long back, I know about them.

Let all albino come to Somalia in this one I will agree after they are running from cannibal.


Citizen of Southwest State
He is Bantu from the noise, luckily that he lives in Somalia think about him in Tanzania and Kenya they will eat him. Seriously they eat albino there.
Stfu you dumb . No one asked you about what happens in those other countries. Stop trying to justify the inhumane conditions the brother is going through. No one deserves to be put through that shit.

Fucking gun baad tahey wallahi. The brother said he gets pelted with rocks and you're trying to make excuses for the people who're harming him. Wallahi, I would slap fire out of you if you said that shit near me.
Stupid did you listen to video? Little kids 5 years and above are rocking him? Are you stupid? Now go chase some kids in streets crazy woman
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