Vicious pitbull rightfully put to sleep

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he was mauling the man and they killed the fucker

People who defend pit bulls disgust me. This is clearly a dog that was bred for fights and shit. This is why I am a strong advocate of a global pit bull holocaust. No human being should raise their children in a world with these savage beasts
Pitbulls are a misunderstood breed if well disciplined they could come in useful.
Believe it or not Pitbulls & various other dog breeds (Molossus , Mastiffs) were used widely throughout the Mediterranean world in hunting and warfare.
Pitbulls were taken directly into battle by the Romans.The tight unit manoeuvres and coordinated battlefield preferred by the Roman army almost certainly precludes the use of such a chaotic element in a set battle.
Pitbulls are a misunderstood breed if well disciplined they could come in useful.
Believe it or not Pitbulls & various other dog breeds (Molossus , Mastiffs) were used widely throughout the Mediterranean world in hunting and warfare.
Pitbulls were taken directly into battle by the Romans.The tight unit manoeuvres and coordinated battlefield preferred by the Roman army almost certainly precludes the use of such a chaotic element in a set battle.
If a dog is used in warfare then it should not be in a house hold
It's like having a gun that's alive and unpredictable
Aren't pitbulls one of the most aggressive breeds of dogs? The ugly fuckers need to be put to sleep for the safety of human kind.
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