Views on Jordan Peterson?

I’ve been following this guy since at least 2017. He has some very good points but I’m completely convinced that he’s a misogynist and perhaps a little racist.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I wouldn't trust a man who dreamt of touching his granny's pubic hair in a dream, anytime he drifts from his chosen field it's mostly garbage, he's a grifter.



I’ve been following this guy since at least 2017. He has some very good points but I’m completely convinced that he’s a misogynist and perhaps a little racist.
He's very eloquent, and mildly intelligent, his greatest skill is unnecessarily complicating basic information. And other than that he's a retarded zionist.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
He's very eloquent, and mildly intelligent, his greatest skill is unnecessarily complicating basic information. And other than that he's a retarded zionist.
The average person indeed possesses immense potential, capable of achieving extraordinary feats in various fields. However, the ego often plays a pivotal role in influencing behavior and decisions. The ego, while essential for self-identity and confidence, can sometimes lead to actions driven by pride, competition, or fear of vulnerability. This can manifest in conflicts, power struggles, and a resistance to change or cooperation.

When the ego dictates, it can overshadow empathy, humility, and the ability to see beyond oneself. This can limit personal growth and the collective progress of society. However, recognizing the influence of the ego and striving for balance can lead to a more harmonious existence, both within oneself and with others. It's about finding the equilibrium between self-assurance and humility, ambition and compassion, this is what he sadly lacks and has led him to a dark corner.


The average person indeed possesses immense potential, capable of achieving extraordinary feats in various fields. However, the ego often plays a pivotal role in influencing behavior and decisions. The ego, while essential for self-identity and confidence, can sometimes lead to actions driven by pride, competition, or fear of vulnerability. This can manifest in conflicts, power struggles, and a resistance to change or cooperation.

When the ego dictates, it can overshadow empathy, humility, and the ability to see beyond oneself. This can limit personal growth and the collective progress of society. However, recognizing the influence of the ego and striving for balance can lead to a more harmonious existence, both within oneself and with others. It's about finding the equilibrium between self-assurance and humility, ambition and compassion, this is what he sadly lacks and has led him to a dark corner.
I tell everybody this and they say I'm a retard. I believe every human is equally uniquely talented and therefore a potential genius.
Jordan Peterson is a Zionist agent who only spouts constant Western ideology. A lot of his jargon is psudeoscience when it comes to demographics or macro-population trends, and even things related to psychology, of which he previously had some academic rigorous regard.

I have a feeling he secretly admires colonialism. :ftw9nwa:

He also holds views that are of the social Darwinian kind (with modifications), the and have a perspective of how how you're born reflect your capacity genetically. Poor people are poor because they're just not that bright genetically, and genes are everything (without actual evidence; i.e., psudeoscience). That's his views. Though how he says it is complicated. Also, rich people can't do no bad, plus they are of higher quality, because they got superior inherent qualities. That is why he is constantly is portraying himself as Jewish sub-agent. They are superior in his mind. Being a Zionist brown-nosing, bottom-feeder is a compliment to him.
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I've been following this guy since at least 2017. He has some very good points but I’m completely convinced that he’s a misogynist and perhaps a little racist.
Just a little racist ...

Michael Jordan Lol GIF
Grifter with agendas just like lot of these people who appear on social media / podcasts ,the moment their views are confronted they throw tantrums. Basically he is an empty buthurt Christian zionist , wouldn't waste my time listening to such people , they would only confuse you.
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You Malthusian Malcontent! You Anti-semitic rats you!

Bedeviled egg! Adversary of Logos, repugnant perverter of thought, word, and basic human decency -- Can you not see that your immature and cowardly flight from yourself, your accursed "anonymity" threatens to sever the very fabric of our tenuous modern milieu? You, malignant rat, externalize your extreme unmedicated psychopathic dark tetrad narcissism and it's we, the pro-social open majority who pay the price. You, hyperbolic hatemonger, are manifesting malignity appropriate only for the end-times. Bloody hell, that is where we are headed. The apocalypse! If you possessed one fragmentary iota of the manhood and personal responsibility exhibited by your forefathers, you would crawl back into your unmade cave and wash your corrupt, stinking penis but no, the abyss of Manichean Solipsism has engulfed you totally. Do you have the vaguest comprehension what wrath would be wrought if you wretched anti-Semitical werewolves have your way with the blessed, supple virgin that is our hard-won democracy? Black wizard of hopeless folly, pusillanimous pipsqueak of perfidy and prejudice, idiot ideologue of Dunning-Kruger-deranged moral "superiority" -- I straighten my back and take my meds in righteous defiance of you and your bloody kind! You feculent miasma of hate-regurgitating Machiavellian weasels, go and find some other site to sully! And mark my words, if there is a just God, you and your Holocaust-denying ilk WILL go to Hell. May the supreme master of all dominance hierarchies YHWH have no mercy on your soul. May you be devoured by an archetypal dragon, and may I ever be rid of you interminably abominable, shadow-possessed, snake-tongued TROLL DEMONS!


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Jordan Peterson is a Zionist agent who only spouts constant Western ideology. A lot of his jargon is psudeoscience when it comes to demographics or macro-population trends, and even things related to psychology, of which he previously had some academic rigorous regard.

I have a feeling he secretly admires colonialism. :ftw9nwa:

He also holds views that are of the social Darwinian kind (with modifications), the and have a perspective of how how you're born reflect your capacity genetically. Poor people are poor because they're just not that bright genetically, and genes are everything (without actual evidence; i.e., psudeoscience). That's his views. Though how he says it is complicated. Also, rich people can't do no bad, plus they are of higher quality, because they got superior inherent qualities. That is why he is constantly is portraying himself as Jewish sub-agent. They are superior in his mind. Being a Zionist brown-nosing, bottom-feeder is a compliment to him.
I knew of a guy who took Mensa test as a kid, he lived in my neighbourhood he had an IQ of in the range of 135-145, he struggled with depression and drug abuse, he got pushed by his parents hard to be successful, both parents were teachers, and agnostic.

Just because you have everything to succeed doesn't mean you will, his an Islamophobe who hides behind his career.
I listened to his original maps of meaning lectures (the ones before the gawdy fancy suits, not after), they were okay. I also read parts of his Maps of meaning book and just could not stomach it anymore, it was just bad, he himself is on record for saying that he over cooked it by obsessing over the individual lines and rewriting them over and over again.

He pretty much butchered everything else he touched, his lectures on Milton's Paradise Lost were just abysmal, he showed up to a debate on Marxism and then admitted that he only ever read Das Capital ones in college, et all.

I kept giving him the benefit of the doubt because he had some redeeming qualities like his position on the free speech and other things. But he just kept getting worse and worse, until he was violating his own principles, especially his "Dont say 'I am a Christian', act a Christian".

For example, when he voided his "Always tell the truth" principle with Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn (an important figure to Peterson) at one of his John Milton lectures, a man (a yahuud no less) asks him the 6 million dollar question, his answer:
I have not read that book
After pausing for another minute, he screams:
I cant do it!
The book is fairly known, it was highly controversial when it was published, it is was why Solzhenitsyn's name went into decline. Many historians have defended and shunned it. But he apparently did not know of its existence.

Then he voided more of his principles with:

Then he disposed of his "Free Speech" position, accusing anyone that had an issue with his position on Palestine, Iran, Colonialism etc etc of being a "machiavellian rat behind their mothers skirt" who should not be allowed to voice their opinions on twitter or anywhere else online.

And then the insipid crying. To be honest, I had lost interest by then and was just occasionally tuning in for the train crash that is him.
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I’ve been following this guy since at least 2017. He has some very good points but I’m completely convinced that he’s a misogynist and perhaps a little racist.

It's because the left hated him, eventually the right-wing media embraced him so he starts espousing their philosophy and platforms them.

Sometimes you have to pick a tribe.
I knew of a guy who took Mensa test as a kid, he lived in my neighbourhood he had an IQ of in the range of 135-145, he struggled with depression and drug abuse, he got pushed by his parents hard to be successful, both parents were teachers, and agnostic.

Just because you have everything to succeed doesn't mean you will, his an Islamophobe who hides behind his career.
Intelligence is not synonymous with IQ. A lot of people in the Western world specifically -- as the rest of the world has diverse input on the matter of intelligence -- hold extremely reductive and rigid, and in fact, unscientific arbitrary conditions for what intelligence is, that is scientifically only relative to set conditions based on cultural and civilizational values of internal statistical value orientation rather than a comprehensive accurate view.

A high Mensa score will not automatically provide success. How many Mensa guys that supposedly got way higher "IQ" scores than Richard Feynman produced anything remotely similar?

Psychology as understood in the West, is the ideology of the mind that presupposes certain philosophical assumptions, through which one filters how things work through methodology. These follow fundamental constraints for knowledge-expanding pursuit of understanding human "intelligence" - it narrows down on a reductive materialist scale on quantifiable parameters that break down understanding to bellow any true understanding.

When you think about it, we don't have a theory of consciousness in the true scientific sense.

I've scored relatively high on the online test. Does that make me more intelligent than the ones who score less? Not necessarily. The mind is not linear.

When we see the broad indicators, we see that human intelligence is extremely dynamic and adaptive-orientated. The Flynn Effect reflects such a process of rapid mental adaptation to the structural stimuli that demand certain thinking in matters of three generations -- something that breaks the "evolutionary" gradual and fixed capacity perspective of the intelligence is fixed argumentation. Go to the jungle, and your children will morph their minds to train the mental muscles to be specialized in the task required, getting more similar to the people who are masters at surviving in that environment.

IQ tests measure certain adaptable measures within their environment, not inherent fixed qualities on "evolutionary" grounds as they want to purport. A racist eugenic guy exposed this himself: he proved that technically the economic profile of the country and the IQ scores were 1:1. My interpretation of that is that IQ is a measure of how well the IQ score abstracts as a derived from the economy, and how well the participants statistically fit into it as a function of the economic institutionalization.

The concept of the G-factor is made up of a relational central mean of every indicator the statistical work factors in as arbitrarily meaningful indicators of various "types" of intelligence. Interestingly, the interpretation of these is weak for reasons I will explain. There are deceptions going on with these set-ups and arguments not fleshed out. The reason why there usually is a relationship between one of the tests in an individual is that these tests firstly are selectively biased and narrow for what can be quantified easily, otherwise one cannot get qualitative studies, and secondly and most crucially, it is that the various intelligence tests are measures of relational institutional education. The reason why you are better at verbal, math, and abstract is because individuals in the Western world have gotten their learning in a very phased and gradual consistent way through the educational system. That is why there is often a statistical relationship. What one is taught should show a statistical relationship otherwise the school system is quite uneven. They cannot control for these variables of statistical cofounders but erroneously concluded that the commonality of all those "intelligences" is the general throughline of intelligence called g, i.e., general intelligence. Do you see how weak the research is if this is how they base what "intelligence" is based on statistical misunderstandings?

If they had measured intelligence of other kind they would say "that is hard to capture." No shit. If that is the case, don't you think you're a bit too premature to explain intelligence? If we had the methods to assess other intelligences that were outside schooling, suddenly you would see the diversity of scores and would destroy the g factor argument that is already proven to be compromised by the very institutions we are socialized by. Intelligence is by default non-linear and it is not parameterized either. Intelligence is not fluid, but it is dynamic. I don't want people to throw out misunderstandings.:icon lol:
I didn't like the guy from the beginning because of his far-right shift, but this changed everything. He's a disgusting Zionist. He's a grifter pay him some good money 💰 and he'll say whatever you want.
Intelligence is not synonymous with IQ. A lot of people in the Western world specifically -- as the rest of the world has diverse input on the matter of intelligence -- hold extremely reductive and rigid, and in fact, unscientific arbitrary conditions for what intelligence is, that is scientifically only relative to set conditions based on cultural and civilizational values of internal statistical value orientation rather than a comprehensive accurate view.

A high Mensa score will not automatically provide success. How many Mensa guys that supposedly got way higher "IQ" scores than Richard Feynman produced anything remotely similar?

Psychology as understood in the West, is the ideology of the mind that presupposes certain philosophical assumptions, through which one filters how things work through methodology. These follow fundamental constraints for knowledge-expanding pursuit of understanding human "intelligence" - it narrows down on a reductive materialist scale on quantifiable parameters that break down understanding to bellow any true understanding.

When you think about it, we don't have a theory of consciousness in the true scientific sense.

I've scored relatively high on the online test. Does that make me more intelligent than the ones who score less? Not necessarily. The mind is not linear.

When we see the broad indicators, we see that human intelligence is extremely dynamic and adaptive-orientated. The Flynn Effect reflects such a process of rapid mental adaptation to the structural stimuli that demand certain thinking in matters of three generations -- something that breaks the "evolutionary" gradual and fixed capacity perspective of the intelligence is fixed argumentation. Go to the jungle, and your children will morph their minds to train the mental muscles to be specialized in the task required, getting more similar to the people who are masters at surviving in that environment.

IQ tests measure certain adaptable measures within their environment, not inherent fixed qualities on "evolutionary" grounds as they want to purport. A racist eugenic guy exposed this himself: he proved that technically the economic profile of the country and the IQ scores were 1:1. My interpretation of that is that IQ is a measure of how well the IQ score abstracts as a derived from the economy, and how well the participants statistically fit into it as a function of the economic institutionalization.

The concept of the G-factor is made up of a relational central mean of every indicator the statistical work factors in as arbitrarily meaningful indicators of various "types" of intelligence. Interestingly, the interpretation of these is weak for reasons I will explain. There are deceptions going on with these set-ups and arguments not fleshed out. The reason why there usually is a relationship between one of the tests in an individual is that these tests firstly are selectively biased and narrow for what can be quantified easily, otherwise one cannot get qualitative studies, and secondly and most crucially, it is that the various intelligence tests are measures of relational institutional education. The reason why you are better at verbal, math, and abstract is because individuals in the Western world have gotten their learning in a very phased and gradual consistent way through the educational system. That is why there is often a statistical relationship. What one is taught should show a statistical relationship otherwise the school system is quite uneven. They cannot control for these variables of statistical cofounders but erroneously concluded that the commonality of all those "intelligences" is the general throughline of intelligence called g, i.e., general intelligence. Do you see how weak the research is if this is how they base what "intelligence" is based on statistical misunderstandings?

If they had measured intelligence of other kind they would say "that is hard to capture." No shit. If that is the case, don't you think you're a bit too premature to explain intelligence? If we had the methods to assess other intelligences that were outside schooling, suddenly you would see the diversity of scores and would destroy the g factor argument that is already proven to be compromised by the very institutions we are socialized by. Intelligence is by default non-linear and it is not parameterized either. Intelligence is not fluid, but it is dynamic. I don't want people to throw out misunderstandings.:icon lol:
All I read was Intelligence, ka bla bla kablewi bla ka bla. What?

Confused Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I’ve been following this guy since at least 2017. He has some very good points but I’m completely convinced that he’s a misogynist and perhaps a little racist.

His popularity has peaked long time ago. Now he is a bubbling empty shell of what he used to be. I never imagined he was great. I listen to him because i wanted to benefit from his expertise which is psychology. But he was not doing that- instead he was philosophizing and crying all of the place. He needs a therapist whom he can heal and hopefully retire some where in his native country: Canada.

