Wallahi I’ve felt sad for Sweden

Imagine accepting immigrants to your land out of your mercy and now rape, murder and all sort of criminal charges rises within the last 5-10 years. Think about it Sweden used to be a country where rape incidents was very low but now it’s one of the highest in Europe. Sweden are very deep in the liberal mindset where they can’t even deport or imprison for their criminal activities.

What I hate the most is that is the Muslim immigrates are doing this. Ok Somalia, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria and Ethiopia immigrates came from shithole
Why Tf the Turks are doing this while coming from good country ?
Imagine accepting immigrants to your land out of your mercy and now rape, murder and all sort of criminal charges rises within the last 5-10 years. Think about it Sweden used to be a country where rape incidents was very low but now it’s one of the highest in Europe. Sweden are very deep in the liberal mindset where they can’t even deport or imprison for their criminal activities.

What I hate the most is that is the Muslim immigrates are doing this. Ok Somalia, Eritrea, Iraq, Syria and Ethiopia immigrates came from shithole
Why Tf the Turks are doing this while coming from good country ?
Watched a whole vid about Sweden gang war
Their judicial system isn't harsh no wonder people are commiting crimes as if it's just normal. They should have harsh prison sentences and then deport the criminals.
Somalis in Sweden are on demon time, feel bad for the normal ones. I heard because of poor vetting system odayaal who used to carry qori back home found theyr way over there, and theyr kids are the same product. Any somali-swede who can confirm this ?

They effed up if they let in litteral warlords without background check lol


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Swedish immigrants have zero excuse to turn to crime man. They're university is free. Can you imagine having that luxury & still turning to a life of crime? Ridiculous. Now the far right uses the shitshow in Sweden as a example to claim that all brown/black people are barbarians.

