Warning Against A Creepy Caller To The Gates of The Hell Fire: Imran Hosein

Omar del Sur


Don't be fooled by the calls to Sunni-Shia unity.


Iran's conflict with the West is fake. Iran helped the US invade Iraq and Afghanistan. The US handed Iraq over to the Shia. If the US is pro Sunni, why did they put the Shia in charge of Iraq?

Iblees doesn't have a problem with Shi'ism. Iblees has a problem with Sunni Islam. That should be evident unless you don't believe Sunni Islam is the truth.

Omar del Sur


The people who defend the Shia and praise them- are they atheists? I see how their stance could make sense from an atheist point of view but I don't see how a Muslim can just ignore how Shi'ism is a satanic cult.
Honestly, the most disturbing for me is when speaks about the unseen. I remember one time he said he believes Dajjal is chained up in British island or something lol.

Omar del Sur

Honestly, the most disturbing for me is when speaks about the unseen. I remember one time he said he believes Dajjal is chained up in British island or something lol.

I think it's hilarious to think that Dajjal lives in Britain. It really says something about the British that people would believe that.

But as for Imran Hosein..... he says all kinds of really weird stuff. He'll just say really weird things, say them in a confident way and without really proving them.

For example, he says Dajjal is blind in the right eye and this means he is spiritually blind.

But if Dajjal being one eyed is metaphorical then why do the hadith says his eye is like a protruding grape?

I think Dajjal clearly is literally one-eyed and I don't believe the hadith is metaphorical.

I think he even heard him claim that one of the hadith is talking about Vladimir Putin. What I got tired of is it's as though every time you see him he's like an infomercial for Russia.

Omar del Sur

An Islamic Response To The Imminent Zionist Attack On Iran By Sheikh Imran Hosein

lol I just came across this.... "imminent" attack on Iran... this is from ten years ago.... the US is always allegedly right about to invade Iran... any minute now.... since 1979...



Don't be fooled by the calls to Sunni-Shia unity.


Iran's conflict with the West is fake. Iran helped the US invade Iraq and Afghanistan. The US handed Iraq over to the Shia. If the US is pro Sunni, why did they put the Shia in charge of Iraq?

Iblees doesn't have a problem with Shi'ism. Iblees has a problem with Sunni Islam. That should be evident unless you don't believe Sunni Islam is the truth.

Saudi Arabia let the US build military bases in their land to attack Iraq. Looks like the Saudis had a hand in giving Iraq to the Shias according to your logic

Omar del Sur

Saudi Arabia let the US build military bases in their land to attack Iraq. Looks like the Saudis had a hand in giving Iraq to the Shias according to your logic

Saudi Arabia is a different topic. People can say I have something to do with Saudi Arabia a thousand times but repeating something a thousand times doesn't make it true.

I don't believe in this concept that you have to either side with

capitalism or communism
deobandis or barelvis
Israel or Iran
Saudi or Iran
US or Russia
democrats or Republicans.

I don't think in terms of those dichotomies.

I'm not really with Saudi or Iran. I think basically all the governments are controlled by Freemasons.

people claiming I have something to do with Saudi is just a rhetorical gimmick. it's basically the exact same thing as people saying "what about the Republicans?" if I say something about the democrats.

Omar del Sur

Shi'ism is objectively a Satanic cult that was founded by a Jew. This is just an objective fact. I don't see what this has to do with the government of any Sunni country. Shi'ism was founded more than a thousand years ago. Saddam Hussein went to war with Iran. Saddam was against Saudi. I made a thread defending Saddam. It makes no sense that I would defend Saddam if I was a Saudi puppet or something. In fact, I read that there were Salafi scholars in Iraq who were promoted by Saddam Hussein after his regime became more religious in the 90's. Salafiyyah isn't something that exclusively belongs to Saudi Arabia. You don't have to have any particular opinion on the Saudi government to agree that Mawlid is a bid'ah. It's like claiming I'm a Republican because I'm against abortion.

Omar del Sur

also, as far as the Saudi government... I don't really say much for or against them..... I'm the same way towards the vast majority of governments of Muslim countries.... so if that means I'm an agent of Saudi, by that logic you could "prove" I'm an agent of the vast majority of Muslim countries.....

btw you could also "prove" that I'm an agent of the Republicans in the same way.... I don't really say much for or against the Republicans.... I dislike the Republicans, in fact I hate them..... but..... I am a conservative.... so I openly mock the Democrats and I'm just kind of quiet on the Republicans even though I don't actually like them......

I mean.... if you want to expose something and you actually care about whether what you say is true or not.... you could expose the fact that I am a conservative...

also if you wanted to expose another thing, you could truthfully expose that I am way closer to being an agent of the Peruvian right-wing than I am of any of the MENA countries.... that is far off the mark people are.... people here don't know me and they just make stuff up......... more concerned with attacking me than whether what they say is actually true or not.......

going back to the fact that I am conservative.....

if I was going to go adopt the ideology that every government in every Muslim country is an apostate government and we must fight every single one of them..... I would start with the most liberal governments...... I would probably start with a country like Albania and work my way up the list.... it would be a while before I reached Saudi..... Saudi is unfortunately way more liberal now it seems but it's still one of the most conservative and even a more liberal Saudi is still pretty conservative by international standards....

I believe there is an agenda to push liberal ideology on the entire world

and I believe this is why for example the media hated Bush and Trump but loved and loves Obama and Biden..... there is no real difference in those people.... but the aim imo is to turn people liberal... I believe that is why Bush and Trump deliberately acted in certain ways to discredit conservative values.... Bush imo deliberately acted dumb in order to make people associate conservative religious values with being dumb.....

and this is why for example Saudi is bashed in basically every single outlet.... it is possible to "expose" Saudi but it's possible to "expose" basically any government.... they're pretty much all controlled by the same hidden elite...... but the point is discredit conservative values and beliefs and push a liberal agenda.....

so it is totally inaccurate to say "Omar del Sur is an agent of Saudis" or Republicans.... actually, I'm just a conservative Muslim who is opposed to what I perceive as a liberal agenda..... I'm not actually thinking in terms of Saudi.... I am more thinking in terms of opposition to liberalism.... I think Islam is inherently socially conservative and I think it is a joke to pretend otherwise

the trend is to force increasing liberalization on the entire world. so I believe that right now one of the ideological priorities is to combat this. and going after Saudi and Salafiyyah is a strategic aim of the liberal agenda. once you get the Salafis out of the way, it will be much easier to force liberal ideology on Muslims- and we already know that Muslims will go the way of the Christians and the Jews, based on the hadith that says Muslims will follow them even into a lizard hole.

edit: btw I don't mean I'm conservative in a partisan sense or that I'm a tory or a Republican or whatever. I just mean I'm socially conservative. I think the sharia and liberal ideology are inherently opposed to each other.
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Omar, we don't care about Iran, no one is championing them, that is something you made up yourself. We see right through your lies and hypocrisy. You make up conspiracies attacking everyone as Jews and freemasons while you ignore and excuse the ones directly working with Israel and America.
also, as far as the Saudi government... I don't really say much for or against them..... I'm the same way towards the vast majority of governments of Muslim countries.... so if that means I'm an agent of Saudi, by that logic you could "prove" I'm an agent of the vast majority of Muslim countries.....

btw you could also "prove" that I'm an agent of the Republicans in the same way.... I don't really say much for or against the Republicans.... I dislike the Republicans, in fact I hate them..... but..... I am a conservative.... so I openly mock the Democrats and I'm just kind of quiet on the Republicans even though I don't actually like them......

I mean.... if you want to expose something and you actually care about whether what you say is true or not.... you could expose the fact that I am a conservative...

also if you wanted to expose another thing, you could truthfully expose that I am way closer to being an agent of the Peruvian right-wing than I am of any of the MENA countries.... that is far off the mark people are.... people here don't know me and they just make stuff up......... more concerned with attacking me than whether what they say is actually true or not.......

going back to the fact that I am conservative.....

if I was going to go adopt the ideology that every government in every Muslim country is an apostate government and we must fight every single one of them..... I would start with the most liberal governments...... I would probably start with a country like Albania and work my way up the list.... it would be a while before I reached Saudi..... Saudi is unfortunately way more liberal now it seems but it's still one of the most conservative and even a more liberal Saudi is still pretty conservative by international standards....

I believe there is an agenda to push liberal ideology on the entire world

and I believe this is why for example the media hated Bush and Trump but loved and loves Obama and Biden..... there is no real difference in those people.... but the aim imo is to turn people liberal... I believe that is why Bush and Trump deliberately acted in certain ways to discredit conservative values.... Bush imo deliberately acted dumb in order to make people associate conservative religious values with being dumb.....

and this is why for example Saudi is bashed in basically every single outlet.... it is possible to "expose" Saudi but it's possible to "expose" basically any government.... they're pretty much all controlled by the same hidden elite...... but the point is discredit conservative values and beliefs and push a liberal agenda.....

so it is totally inaccurate to say "Omar del Sur is an agent of Saudis" or Republicans.... actually, I'm just a conservative Muslim who is opposed to what I perceive as a liberal agenda..... I'm not actually thinking in terms of Saudi.... I am more thinking in terms of opposition to liberalism.... I think Islam is inherently socially conservative and I think it is a joke to pretend otherwise

the trend is to force increasing liberalization on the entire world. so I believe that right now one of the ideological priorities is to combat this. and going after Saudi and Salafiyyah is a strategic aim of the liberal agenda. once you get the Salafis out of the way, it will be much easier to force liberal ideology on Muslims- and we already know that Muslims will go the way of the Christians and the Jews, based on the hadith that says Muslims will follow them even into a lizard hole.

edit: btw I don't mean I'm conservative in a partisan sense or that I'm a tory or a Republican or whatever. I just mean I'm socially conservative. I think the sharia and liberal ideology are inherently opposed to each other.


Loyal To The One True Caliph (Hafidahullah)
Omar Del Saudi no one believes your propaganada anymore we have successfully muzzled your feigned propaganda.

Sheikh Imran Hussein is a great knowledgable Sheikh who exposed the treacherous Wahabis and Saudi their betrayal of the great Othman Empire by working with the British kuffar. That is why the Wahhabis hate him



๐•ฎ๐–”๐–’๐–—๐–†๐–‰๐–Š ๐•ฒ๐–Š๐–“๐–Š๐–—๐–†๐–‘
Omar Del Saudi no one believes your propaganada anymore we have successfully muzzled your feigned propaganda.

Sheikh Imran Hussein is a great knowledgable Sheikh who exposed the treacherous Wahabis and Saudi their betrayal of the great Othman Empire by working with the British kuffar. That is why the Wahhabis hate him

I agree that current Saudis are terrorists and evil but linking the current Saudis with imam Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahab is wrong because the imam job was pure religion he didn't delve into politics. the alliance between the Saudi emir and the imam was based on that the house of Saud will take the political matters while the house of Shiekh will take the religious matter.

and if you see now the Saudi plans you will see that they are purging the true whabis who speak against the Saudi politics and the US invasion of Iraq and opening the country to foreign culture and lifestyle.


๐•ฎ๐–”๐–’๐–—๐–†๐–‰๐–Š ๐•ฒ๐–Š๐–“๐–Š๐–—๐–†๐–‘
Shi'ism is objectively a Satanic cult that was founded by a Jew. This is just an objective fact. I don't see what this has to do with the government of any Sunni country. Shi'ism was founded more than a thousand years ago. Saddam Hussein went to war with Iran. Saddam was against Saudi. I made a thread defending Saddam. It makes no sense that I would defend Saddam if I was a Saudi puppet or something. In fact, I read that there were Salafi scholars in Iraq who were promoted by Saddam Hussein after his regime became more religious in the 90's. Salafiyyah isn't something that exclusively belongs to Saudi Arabia. You don't have to have any particular opinion on the Saudi government to agree that Mawlid is a bid'ah. It's like claiming I'm a Republican because I'm against abortion.
do you know this guy


Omar del Sur

Omar Del Saudi no one believes your propaganada anymore we have successfully muzzled your feigned propaganda.

Sheikh Imran Hussein is a great knowledgable Sheikh who exposed the treacherous Wahabis and Saudi their betrayal of the great Othman Empire by working with the British kuffar. That is why the Wahhabis hate him

wow u even support Imran Hosein.... the man is a deviant