Was Zeila ever part of the ottoman empire?


Some times Zeila and Berbeea are mentioned as part of the ottoman Empire after the fall of the Adal sultanate. I've seen sources on Zeila in particular claiming it was a vassal of the ottoman Empire from 16th to mid 19th century when the British came.
Can anyone confirm this? What was the relationship between somalis and ottomans?


Zeila became a dependency of Mocha, Yemen after the fall of the Adal Sultanate. However, Berbera remained independent and was governed by local mercantile tribes of Ayal Yunis and Ayal Ahmed. During the 18th and 19th century Berbera was the most populated and wealthiest port in the Horn of Africa.

Zeila was eventually liberated by Sharmarke Ali Saleh in the 19th century and no longer became a dependency of Mocha. The Egyptians came in 1873 and briefly occupied Zeila and Berbera until they left after a small decade.
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Zeila became a dependency of Mocha, Yemen after the fall of the Adal Sultanate. However, Berbera remained independent and was governed by local mercantile tribes of Ayal Yunis and Ayal Ahmed. During the 18th and 19th century Berbera was the most populated and wealthiest port in the Horn of Africa.

Zeila was eventually liberated by Sharmarke Ali Saleh in the 19th century and no longer became a dependency of Mocha. The Egyptians came in 1875 and briefly occupied Zeila and Berbera until they left after a small decade.
Thanks. If I'm not mistaken mocha itself was an ottoman vassal so it was kinda of a sub vassal relationship and probably less oppressive than ottoman ruled middle east and europe