Watch this video on Somali separatism and peep the comments made

Little sidetrack but i think it speaks to the character of the past and current holders of villa Somalia that the country’s the way it is now, 12 years since the federal government came to power and no hormar no constitution, parliaments like a patronage system, and the president is deliberately antagonistic to the federal states instead of reaching an accord or solving things amicably.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
What common culture do we share with them? besides Islam, we have very little in common, our core ideology is so alien to each other, they are sedentary farmers, while we're agropastoralists, we prefer freedom, while they worship their leaders like gods.


Coping through the 1st world
Blame the Somali governments for creating such challenges. I always vision a united greater Somalia. I do. But it’s hard when ever they are always issues going on in southern area of Somalia and al-shabab causing catastrophe. This issues is strictly the faults of those governments. They’re are biggest losers f*ck em’
They are delusional and brainwashed. Throughout all of history they have been trying to claim our land.

They are a peasant people, farmers, with delusions of grandeur.

They know that their land alone is landlocked and tiny with no historical significance and relies heavily on Somalia with its long coast and historical trade.

@Idilinaa recently shared some historical excerpts showing that they lived off of the trade Somalis brought into the interior.

We do not need them but without us and claiming our land they remain landlocked and insignificant.

Somalis should push back against those baseless claims, we have historically always been separate and have nothing to do with them, our history with them is a history of war. Whenever they have the upperhand (support from their fellow gaalo) they mass slaughter and displace Muslims.
The first hijrah was not Ethiopia, it was either Dakhlak Island off the coast of Eritrea or Zayla Northern Somalia both served as entrepoints to Islam, from which it first disseminated.
They certainly did not go to Axum which was landlocked at the time and seized to exist basically.

This mis-perception whitewashes the reality of medieval Ethiopia which was a crusading feudal fiefdom that hated Islam , heck any sect that was different even as you seen with Falasha. They wouldn't give anyone refuge, as they were even oppressive to their own people.

Ethiopians were religious crusaders, the prophet wouldn't send them there. How would he send them to the people who would destroy the Kaaba?


And Most of Eritrea and Somalia was not a province of Ethiopia. This also comes from another misperception with the use of ''Habash'' which was a regional name that sometimes even stretched to Egypt, Sudan to Somalia. When medieval Arab geographers and writers employed it , they were not talking about the modern supra-ethnicity ''Habesha'' or modern Ethiopia. They were applying to a broad geography and people, without discerning them.



Also comes out of their fiction epic chronicles of their Kings , when in reality they never extended to rule any of those places.

We've been seperate, nor it is the longest continues country either, not only are they not a continuation Axum which had its center base in the Northern Highlands and Eritrea and spoke Geez.

But Ethiopia as a country is largely a colonial creation, where colonialist such as France/Britain/Italy ceeded territories to them. Here is a map that shows the extent of their territory, with the exception of Harar with British protection, they failed to gain control of Ogaden, were defeated each time and only incorporated pockets of Oromo areas into their realm.

Also look the delusional claim their Kings were making lool, even Eritrea was not in their control.


They are delusional and brainwashed. Throughout all of history they have been trying to claim our land.

They are a peasant people, farmers, with delusions of grandeur.

They know that their land alone is landlocked and tiny with no historical significance and relies heavily on Somalia with its long coast and historical trade.

@Idilinaa recently shared some historical excerpts showing that they lived off of the trade Somalis brought into the interior.

We do not need them but without us and claiming our land they remain landlocked and insignificant.

Somalis should push back against those baseless claims, we have historically always been separate and have nothing to do with them, our history with them is a history of war. Whenever they have the upperhand (support from their fellow gaalo) they mass slaughter and displace Muslims.

What we should do is open them up to the reality how things was during the medieval times until the present day, it will help integrate the region more and allow people to shed off bad baggage and animosity and make way for cooperation. They also need to critically examine their culture.

Somalis will have the same homework. I don't point these things out to humiliate or be mean to Ethiopians. If other regions can move on from their turbulent history and respect eachother so should we.

Also being landlocked isn't not the issue, i pointed out that lots of countries that are landlocked and are doing fine. Same in for kingdoms in the past:
Also being landlocked is not an excuse in the medieval period you can look at plenty of polities/states that prospered despite being landlocked Mali empire , Holy Roman empire (core regions were landlocked, but not entirely), Kingdom of Hungary, Kingdom of Bohemia
And those societies had much in common with Abyssinian, even the particularity of being rich in natural resources like gold and silver that drove economic growth for their states.

Being landlocked is even less of an excuse now in our modern times considering there are landlocked rich nations such as Luxemberg, Switzerland, Kazakhstan to only mention a few.

But Ethiopia frame it as an obstacle so much that they are willing to destabilize the region and go to war, which to me is not only an entitlement but also shows their inability to work with their neighbors and their search for an excuse to explain their lack of development.
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The first hijrah was not Ethiopia, it was either Dakhlak Island off the coast of Eritrea or Zayla Northern Somalia both served as entrepoints to Islam, from which it first disseminated.
They certainly did not go to Axum which was landlocked at the time and seized to exist basically.

This misperception whitewashes the reality of medieval Ethiopia which was a crusading feudal fiefdoms that hated Islam , heck any sect that was different even as you seen with Falasha. They wouldn't give anyone refuge, as they were even oppressive to their own people.

Ethiopians were religious crusaders, the prophet wouldn't send them there. How would he send them to the people who would destroy the Kaaba?


And Most of Eritrea and Somalia was not a province of Ethiopia. This also comes from a misperception with the use of Habash which was a regional name that sometimes even stretched to Egypt, Sudan to Somalia. When medieval Arab geographers and writers employed it , they were not talking about the modern supra-ethnicity ''Habesha''.



Also comes out of their fiction epic chronicles of their Kings , when in reality they never extended to rule any of those places.

We've been seperate, nor it is the longest continues country either, not only are they not a continuation Axum which had its center base in the Northern Highlands and Eritrea and spoke Geez.

But Ethiopia as a country is largely a colonial creation, where colonialist such as France/Britain/Italy ceeded territories to them. Here is a map that shows the extent of their territory, with the exception of Harar with British protection, they failed to gain control of Ogaden, were defeated each time and only incorporated pockets of Oromo areas into their realm.

Also look the delusional claim their Kings were making lool, even Eritrea was not in their control.


What we should do is open them up to the reality how things was during the medieval until the present day, it will help integrate the region more and allow people to shed off bad baggage and animosity and make way for cooperation. They also need to critically examine their culture

Somalis will have the same homework. I don't point these things out to humiliate or be mean to Ethopians.

Also being landlocked isn't not the issue, i pointed out that lots of countries that are landlocked and are doing fine. Same in for kingdoms in the past,:
What about Al-Nejashi mosque in Tigray? Doesn't that date to Prophet Muhammad's era?
What about Al-Nejashi mosque in Tigray? Doesn't that date to Prophet Muhammad's era?

Not really sure, because i haven't really seen it be dated archeologically. Much like Habash is generalized , the name Nejashi is generalized as well. It does not refer to an Axumite Christian king at all.

One thing that's for certain is that Islam definitely entered through Dakhlak Island and then via the Eritrean coast before it reached the mainland interior, that we have evidence for .
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