The national coverage for safe drinking water stands at 53% with South-Central Region at (51%), Somaliland (56%) and Puntland (62%) and the coverage by population group stands at (69%) for IDPs, 24% for Nomads (76%) for urban and 37% for rural.
The national sanitation coverage stands at 63% with South-Central Region (59%), Somaliland (74%) and Puntland (65%). The sanitation coverage by population group includes IDPs (75%), nomads (34%), urban (87%) and rural (49%). At 24 per cent in 2015, the prevalence of diarrhoea among under-fives stands at 24%. 3. WASH.pdf
The national sanitation coverage stands at 63% with South-Central Region (59%), Somaliland (74%) and Puntland (65%). The sanitation coverage by population group includes IDPs (75%), nomads (34%), urban (87%) and rural (49%). At 24 per cent in 2015, the prevalence of diarrhoea among under-fives stands at 24%. 3. WASH.pdf