Weak Farmaajo caves in, as he gives Ethiopia the power to license Somalilands livestock to Saudis

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Farmaajo oo ogolaaday in Itoobiya ay bixiso ruqsada xoolaha ka dhoofa Berbera (Xog)

FaysalJuly 3, 2019
Xoolaha Berbera Ka dhoofaya Itoobiya ayaa Ruqsadda siineysa 4% qaadaneysa. Akhriso

Wasiirka Maaliyada dowladda federalka ee Itoobiya Axmed Shide, ayaa socdaal aan la sii shaacin waxa uu Sabtidi ku soo gaaray magaaladaan Muqdisho, halkaas oo si weyn loogu soo dhaweeyay.

Sida ay qortay MOL wasiirka sababo badan ayuu u yimid . Haddaba dabagal ay MOL ku soo sameysay socdaalka Wasiirka ayaa waxaa u soo baxday inuu jiray qodob muhiim ahaa oo ay dowladda Itobiya daneysay inuu jiray kaas oo dhambaal gaar ah uu ku qornaa.

Axmed Shidde oo sidoo kale ah Gudoomiyaha Xisbiga haya talada Ismaamulka Soomaalida, ayaa Xamar u yimid inuu oggoleysiiyo MW Farmajo in arrinta ku saabsab xoolaha Somaliland laga dhoofinayo ee Sucuudiga ku xeray ruqsadda Dowladda Somaliya inay Itoobiya la wareegto arrintaas.

Wasiir Shidde waxaa uu la yimid in Raysal wasaare Abiy Axmed uu Farmajo ka rabo in ;

Waraaaqda Fasaxa ah ee Xoolaha Berbera ka dhoofayaa inay iyagu bixiyaan, taas oo sida Shidde uu sheegay uu aad iyo aad ugu faraxi doono Muuse Biixi.

Inay Itoobiya ka soo dhameysan doonto Sucuudiga inay iyadu bixineyso shahaadada Xoolaha Somalida ee ka soo dhoofaya Berbera maadaama aysan iyagu wax isu oggoleyn.
Muqdisho Online is the one that broke the Roobow story a week before it happened. Your leader is a cuck. Accept it.

Well said bro, Mogadishu online has time and time again proved to be a reliable source, but knowing siade barre's orphans such as Aarlibaax they will refute and claim otherwise that their abo 2.0 Farmaajo is winning when reality shows otherwise.


I could agree with you but then weโ€™d both be wrong
May Allah's curse and the curse of all nations be upon Farmaajo and his weak cronies. What a cuck!!
Muqdisho Online is the one that broke the Roobow story a week before it happened. Your leader is a cuck. Accept it.

Lol miskiin

Robow's fate was known long b4 you n this crappy page even got wind off it

You should slow down on the bs.

Well said bro, Mogadishu online has time and time again proved to be a reliable source, but knowing siade barre's orphans such as Aarlibaax they will refute and claim otherwise that their abo 2.0 Farmaajo is winning when reality shows otherwise.

Keep crying me a river 2.0
Your cuqdad is deep seated, just how I prefer your type

B4 you come with some 2.0 kutiri kuteen to me get what ever deranged clan your from to pull a 1.0 first


May Allah's curse and the curse of all nations be upon Farmaajo and his weak cronies. What a cuck!!

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