Well f*ck this. I give up.

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Crowned Queen of Puntland. Supporter of PuntExit
This will be the last election I will fucking vote, f*ck the democrats, f*ck the republicans and f*ck everything that has to do with American politics.

Goodnight America, I hope you're fucking happy with the decision you just made.

I am going to sleep for a week.




I'm already settled into spectator mode. It'll be intriguing as hell to see how things progress.

I'll be out. It was nice knowing y'll.:salute:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

I can't believe this happened.

I feel like I'm in an alternate reality.

f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I have a feeling he will be better than Obama. Give him a chance, you never know.
>wants to deport all Bantus from Somalia
>mad at Trump for wanting to deport his dark Muslim ass

Ma sokoor.

Bahal is Sad, not mad. Being mad would make him a hypocrite as that would imply some sort of moral indignation on his part, which would be unwarranted since he'd do the same himself. But like I said hes not mad, but is justifiably sad and worried about what happened.

Most people if given millions of dollars wouldn't dish out substantial sums to everyone who asks. They would for the most part only give to family, friends and members of their communities. But if those same people weren't millionaires and happened to find a millionaire who gave everyone money, does that make them hypocrites for accepting that money? If that millionaire decides to cut off the free money supply and those people become sad, does that make them hypocrites?

You logic boils down to this: Never benefit from something you yourself wouldn't do for others and don't be sad at the end of something you yourself would never provide/do for others. This is faulty reasoning saaxiib and you know it,.
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This will be the last election I will fucking vote, f*ck the democrats, f*ck the republicans and f*ck everything that has to do with American politics.

This is exactly why right wingers win so often! Young people and ethnic minorities (all ages) have low voter turnout. Old white will continue to control the West if everyone has your current mindset.
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