This is Warsheikh 1. Sinclair drilled Warshiekh-1 between November 1967 and March 1968. The well is between Ceel Cadde and Balcad. The total drilled depth was 4,103 m. Like the wells drilled in Duddumai and Afgoi, Warsheikh -1 had gas shows.
another well
Ceel Warsheek oo ah ceel ay sahmisay Sinclair waxa uu ku yaalaa 19 km waqooyi Balcad. Ceelkan waxaa laga qoday meel ay isa jaraan labo jid oo ay Soomaalida u taqaano “Jid Ameerican” jidadkaas oo ah kuwa la sameeyay xiligii sahminta la waday.
Warsheekh well is located 19 km east of Balad town at the intersection of two seismic lines; one north-south direction and the other at a trend parallel to the coast line.
all images belong to the fb of petroliem ministry worker.