West Burco city rapidly expanding

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Back in 2013, now it is bigger than that. From Qasabka road to Jarmaalka.


Looks more of a 'South' than west.

Technically West Burco compromises of South, West and North Burco. The reason it is called West is because it is located on
west of the Qasabka Road (The green line). You can see this two old men highlighting that fact.

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Still smaller than the East Burco section, that is why you hid the eastern side siilaanyolaugh


Still smaller than the East Burco section, that is why you hid the eastern side siilaanyolaugh

First of all it is not bigger. I highlighted only West Burco because .....this is about West
Burco only, not another section.


Everyone knows the East side of Burco is the bigger of the two. You can not deny that.

I disagree, with all the evidence I have. Anyway this thread is not about East Burco but West Burco. If we're talking about
size the entire East Burco clan does not have a city exclusive to them the size of Gashaamo or a large district like New Hargeisa...
that is bigger than the entire Burco.
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I disagree, with all the evidence I have. Anyway this thread is not about East Burco but West Burco. If we're talking about
size the entire East Burco clan does not have a city exclusive to them the size of Gashaamo or a large district like New Hargeisa...
that is bigger than the entire Burco.

Are you calling this tuulo a city? :sitdown:


No need to get all butthurt about your Jahanama Mad Max tuulo, here is a 2016 satellite image from google:


I have actually zoomed out to give you the benefit of the doubt, now compare the Caynabo image you posted yourself to this, and remember both are from Google.



I know I would be mad as well if a sub sub sub sub sub sub sub clan aka Reer Caynaanshe had a larger town than my
entire clan (Ilma Habuushed).


Google is not updated on some towns, the imagery is from 2002, anybody can check the Google imagery date on Google Earth and confirm for themselves. Google maps don't show the exact date for each town, but Google earth does.

This is terraserver and shows Gashaamo updated.

You can't match New Hargeisa, Gashaamo, West Burco and Ceerigabo. That is total
knockout. I suggest you breed more, you might match of half it in future.



That is for the Google software itself, not the imagery date for the towns, everyone with
more than two brain cells knows that apart from you. A simple search will show you the difference.

"If you wish to know the date when satellites captured those aerial images that you now see in Google Maps, you will have
to use Google Earth for that (for some reason, these dates aren’t displayed on the Google Maps website)"




I guess the IQ of reer Jaamac Waal is very low if they can't understand the simple fact Google does not have every town/city
updated to the present (2016). Copyright says nothing about the exact imagery date for the towns/cities,
Google Earth is the only one that shows it.

Imagery date for Gashaamo in Google is 3/4/2004, 12 years ago.


Gashaamo 7/28/2010


Don't be mad cause Allah made Reer Caynaanshe landheers and you well... a langaab.

"Misraq Gashamo: Based on the 2007 Census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), this woreda has a total population of 95,191, of whom 52,645 are men and 42,546 women. This woreda is primarily inhabited by the Reer Ainanshe sub clan of Habar Yoonis, one of the Isaaq clans of the Somali people."

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