Western Europe, State Formation, and Genetic Pacification


Fairly interesting paper.

By the late Middle Ages, courts were condemning to death between 0.5 and 1.0% of all men of each generation, with perhaps just as many offenders dying at the scene of the crime or in prison while awaiting trial. Meanwhile, the homicide rate plummeted from the 14th century to the 20th.

The pool of violent men dried up until most murders occurred under conditions of jealousy, intoxication, or extreme stress. The decline in personal violence is usually attributed to harsher punishment and the longer-term effects of cultural conditioning. It may also be, however, that this new cultural environment selected against propensities for violence.

Lessons for Africa? @Nilotic , @AbdiFreedom always says we should just execute criminals, maybe he was onto something. Singapore hands out the death penalty like nacnac, seems to work well.

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summer break 7/1-?
The state needs to control the violence otherwise the people will take the matter into their own hands or let it get out of control. I believe this is one of the building blocks to a functional society.

Controlled violence>>>>>


♚Sargon of Adal♚
The state uses controlled violence to control violence, in the end of the day the police/military is just armed militia that can dish out violence under the law.

