What’s an interesting fact that you learned today


i can play the saxophone ive spent 3 moths studying and i played for the first time in front of my friends i learned that playing in front of them was a dumb idea


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I learned that My Secret Romance on netflix was HORRIBLE. The angles and the sound effects and the bad acting. Oh lord. AND they slept on the FIRST episode? Where is the suspense?! Kdrama could have been better. This show looked like it was recorded on an Iphone. I could do better
I learned that My Secret Romance on netflix was HORRIBLE. The angles and the sound effects and the bad acting. Oh lord. AND they slept on the FIRST episode? Where is the suspense?! Kdrama could have been better. This show looked like it was recorded on an Iphone. I could do better
Sounds like a rough show :dead:


I learned that My Secret Romance on netflix was HORRIBLE. The angles and the sound effects and the bad acting. Oh lord. AND they slept on the FIRST episode? Where is the suspense?! Kdrama could have been better. This show looked like it was recorded on an Iphone. I could do better
Queens gambit is better
LOOK dude. She accidentally sat on his lap and then the camera zooms in with slow mo's and she has these ridiculous fake glasses. I cringed so bad. It looks more like a skit than a show
Uff what is this?? No thank you. Why is she sitting on his lap for that long? I'm done after 25 seconds :jcoleno: