What’s the most painful experience you ever had?


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I sprained an ankle playing a stupid soccer game as a teenager. Most serious physical injury I've ever had. (I've been lucky).

Less lucky was the way I was sat in a wheelchair with my foot resting on a chair, and the orderly came up to me and yanked the chair backwards without giving me warning to let me lift my foot first, hence the injury got sharply jerked about. I screamed the place down.

I also had a scare last year when I got bad chest pains and ended up in hospital with a suspected pulmonary embolism. It wasn't as painful as the sprained ankle, but it was a lot more unpleasant because it was agony drawing every breath and didn't let up for 24 hours.

Reer UK, any of you guys got stabbed? I can't imagine how painfull it feels to have a sharp knife in your guts?:jcoleno:


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I fell off of the staircase a few years back :kendrickcry:

and guess what?


pain hurts less when you laugh :pachah1:


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I fell off of the staircase a few years back :kendrickcry:

and guess what?


pain hurts less when you laugh :pachah1:

It seems you didn't hurt if you laughed.🤣🤣
One time, a guy slapped me once, so I helped him recognize the error of his ways by introducing my knee to his face several times, and then assisting his face to the pavement. My knee was bruised pretty badly, actually, and I had a cut where his teeth were.:chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
It seems you didn't hurt if you laughed.🤣🤣
One time, a guy slapped me once, so I helped him recognize the error of his ways by introducing my knee to his face several times, and then assisting his face to the pavement. My knee was bruised pretty badly, actually, and I had a cut where his teeth were.:chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:
I'm not talking about home staircase! It was the type at school... the looooong ones. My neck cramped for days and a chunk of my knee skin fell off:wow:

why did you beat up a stranger?:stopit:


[[Puntland Republic 🇸🇱]]PIM[[C.S(BihinYusuf)]
I'm not talking about home staircase! It was the type at school... the looooong ones. My neck cramped for days and a chunk of my knee skin fell off:wow:

why did you beat up a stranger?:stopit:

I didn't I made it up, anyway you are lucky you came out of the closet as Farmaajo's tribe and finally stoped larping as an OG because I was gonna drop major nuke including you having Siyad Barre as a pfp.:pachah1:


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
it was winter time I was on my way home than It felt like someone threw a chunk of ice on my head I collapsed and realized what hit me
download (17).jpeg

I could feel something warm pouring from my head when I touched it I realized I was bleeding I put pressure on the wound I started reading my shahada cause I could feel my body getting weaker than I blacked out when I regained consciousness I was in the hospital


smooth talk on a rainy summer evening
I didn't I made it up, anyway you are lucky you came out of the closet as Farmaajo's tribe and finally stoped larping as an OG because I was gonna drop major nuke including you having Siyad Barre as a pfp.:pachah1:
I never claimed to be anything other than Ogaden/leelkase. You brought up quotes that proved me even more. Move along now, your 15 min of fame is over


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I fell sick with malaria during my visit to Kenya, I had mild fever, chills and nausea. I went to the hospital and they gave me an Injection (not sure what it was)... In the evening I was literally paralyzed... Couldn't move a finger, I stayed in the hospital for more than 22 days. My family spent almost 30k dollars on my Medical expenses. Turns out this was a common practice for the Hospital to rob their patients. It's sickening.
I didn't I made it up, anyway you are lucky you came out of the closet as Farmaajo's tribe and finally stoped larping as an OG because I was gonna drop major nuke including you having Siyad Barre as a pfp.:pachah1:
Wait @Asli Marehan :drakelaugh: ? That makes sense. I almost went for this Marehan female back in the day but it didn’t work out. Since we are 2 different ethnicity, Isaaq and Marexan
Was playing soccer about 2 years back in Garowe. Decided to play without shoes for the first time. My left toe collided with this big rock and ended up twisting. The pain was unbearable. I know lots of people have been through worst physical injuries but this is the worst that I’ve personally been through. Alhamdullilah.
Torn my ACL while playing football, when I was 14. It was excruciatingly painful. Had to get surgery. Had to wear a knee brace.Had to use crutches. Had to do rehab. I absolutely hated the rehab. It was a long 9 months I can’t lie :mybusiness: