What are you studying at university?

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wallah toooooo many aussies here gotta be careful.
how did you guys even find this forum? I was lead here by reddit lol


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I used to would end up on this forum and somnet when I used to do my research on Somalia stuff. Would end up on old threads and read them.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Taking my L :meleshame:

If it makes you feel better I take an 8k loan from the government every year for a student contribution. Students will typically have a 24-32k debt after they graduate which they pay when their income reaches a certain threshold. 52k a year if I remember correctly. It used to be free all together but the government changed that like 10 years ago or something. The generation that benefited from free education were the ones that ruined it for us. One of the politicians that had it changed had once lobbied when he was a student to have education remain free. These old people betrayed us by Americanizing once truly great nation, the land of opportunities.


You can go to any uni you like if you get the grades though, whether it is prestigious or not.
Even degree structure is becoming americanized. All medicine courses are becoming graduate as in America within the next few years, as with other courses. You can barely do any professional degree without a bachelor's these days :(


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
@HashiBarre in canada we have about the same system to be honest. 6-8k loans and provided you aren't retarded and don't go to live on campus (instead just living off campus) then the price usually jumps to 15-20k annually with living expenses. Which is a proper rip-off all things considered.

thankfully most Somalis just stay in their city of birth and we don't get ass-fucked by debt. we also have a service that lets you delay your loan payments and you can just reapply every 6 months and you almost always get accepted. i know some people that have been on repayment assistance for like 3 years legit.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
@HashiBarre in canada we have about the same system to be honest. 6-8k loans and provided you aren't retarded and don't go to live on campus (instead just living off campus) then the price usually jumps to 15-20k annually with living expenses. Which is a proper rip-off all things considered.

thankfully most Somalis just stay in their city of birth and we don't get ass-fucked by debt. we also have a service that lets you delay your loan payments and you can just reapply every 6 months and you almost always get accepted. i know some people that have been on repayment assistance for like 3 years legit.

That's not bad. In Australia a lot of people have bounced without paying back their debt, and some just don't meet the income threshold (probably reducing the taxable income somehow). I wouldn't be surprised if we end up with the same thing as you guys.

Just this year they wanted to adopt the American system, they called it deregulation. It got so close to happening. They are literally copying the Americans for everything these days.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
We don't have that here.

Universities here have a lot of parity for some wack reason

UofT, McGill and UBC are supposed to be cut above the rest but the advantage is slight
Interesting, here the disparity is really apparent. For instance the final year high school score required to get into a science course at a top university would be 90+ whilst at any other uni you're looking more at 50-60


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
i'm glad you didn't quote. see this is exactly how foruming is supposed to go

but anyway that's interesting. UofT has it at like 80-85% for admission whilist almost all uni courses in STEM fields require at least 75% and most have it at 78% or higher no matter the institution.

the disparities usually show themselves in individual programs. for instance Queen's doesn't rank anywhere near UofT in terms of worldwide standing, but its commerce programs shit on UofT heavily. And there is no real ranking for individual courses being compared to others so you it's word-of-mouth that tells you where you gotta be. Waterloo ain't shit in anything besides engineering, but it is undoubtedly one of the best in engineering. Ryerson and York are pretty average across the board except their more rigorous Liberal Arts degrees like Public Administration and English where they compete pretty well with a university like UofT.

It's a weird paradigm, but to be honest... it probably only exists in Ontario. I have NO idea what it's like in other places
Which uni do most somalis go to and what do they tend to study?

Here, its mostly health science, nursing, international relations, social work and human resource management/business type degrees, with most girls doing one of the former 4. Health sci graduates end up progressing into post grad courses like podiatry, chiropractics etc. A fair few guys do engineering, mostly civil. They tend to be concentrated at one university as well, which has lower entry scores than the 2 top-tier universities here. There are some somalis at these 2 unis, but not many. These ones tend to study science, commerce and biomedicine.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Engineering of some sort, nursing, IT, sometimes politics (my Somalis aren't good with essay writing usually so they bounce to something else quick) and public health
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