What do we do with the Liberal media?

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The complainant, Gary Gerofsky, wrote CBC January 4, 2011, to express concerns about a report December 26, 2010, on CBC News Network. The story in question involved the killing by Israeli soldiers of two Palestinians CBC described as “militants.”

Gerofsky wanted to know why CBC referred to them as “militants” and not “terrorists.” He said the description minimized the impact of violence on Israel and reflected a systematic bias.

The executive editor of CBC News, Esther Enkin, wrote back January 18, 2011, to outline CBC policy on language use.

“It is the CBC's practice – and it has been the practice in CBC newsrooms for over 30 years now – to try to avoid using the words ‘terror' and ‘terrorist' on their own as a form of description without attribution,” Enkin wrote. “I think you will find many of the leading news organizations in the western world follow a similar practice.”

Enkin added: “Given the often political and premature use of these words, our preference is to describe the act or individual, as ‘bomber', ‘militant' or ‘gunman', for instance, and let the viewer or listener make his own judgment about the nature of the event.”

Avoiding the term terrorist is a " is a sound journalistic approach".

We need alternative media outlets to deliver the news.
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