What do we say 3 times?

Women generally don't have standards. They have preferences instead. I mean a woman would generally prefer to marry or date within their race but wouldn't compromise if they develop strong feelings for the guy irrespective of their race. Men on the other hand have standards; that's why a man can have strong feelings for a lady but still walk away if from a different race or religion.


Cabdul's Status CLOSED until further notice.
I dont feel bad for them, They deserve it. I think every other comment was an african american talking about his own experience having ethiopian wife or talking about how ethiopians are black. You see, this is why somalis never relegate themselves to the false colonial black caste. To avoid things like this, They were also talking about how easy ethiopians are. You know thats another problem with ethiopians, their fragmented. Try this on the somali reddit, it probably wouldnt work on there even though its beyond compromised. Cause somalis are 1 people.

Look at this guy tweaking



Why should women care about bloodline when our kids don't even take our last name? We put an emphasis on having a good husband and good father for our kids
Something niggas need to get through their skull is that women don't care about blood line. Something so sentimental is often times outside the bounds of their thinking.

