What do you HATE/LOVE?

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What do you hate/dislike in life? What do you dislike about your community or environment?
And for the important question What do you hate? This can be anything. The subject is unbounded and limitless.
What do you love? This can be a desire or an ambition. Again, the subject is unbounded and limitless.

What do i dislike about life? I'n not a big fan of this systematized life that taught me to adopt to racism.
My clan, or perhaps I should say family; played an important role in teaching me about the strength within unity.
This allowed me to expand my inner circle within a whole range of communities. Different clans. Different backgrounds.

What do I hate? (Somali Diid) I have a prodigious heart and its filled with sympathy. I have a desire to see a unified nation, waving the blue and white. A beauty it would be to see everyone entirely holding hands singing, "Soomaaliyay Toosoo"
My days are spent counting the dejected environment that we were born into. It's rather sad.
I have nothing against anyone in search of division. But while the world seem to form unities such as NATO and EU. It seems we as people would rather give into a divided mentality.All in that while unity has been studied and known to be an immense form of power.

What do I love? I love my mama'. But subsequently, i love the idea of an amalgamated society. Where i can sleep in Muqdisho, smoke a joint in Berbara, play soccer in Bardhere, relax in Garoowe and call it a week in Djibouti city.
I'm fond of the idea of a man/woman dying for his/her country rather than for his/her clan.
But it seems one would rather die for his/her inner circle rather than dying for an integrated federation.
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i love the idea of becoming the president of somaliland (king of the isaaq clan) through democratic elections which have a one man one vote system as the pillar. my role model in life is president Ahmed Silanyo the hero. i hate the term somali diid because it is a propaganda term and has no basis.

ahh just listen to how the hero defeated somalia.



i love the idea of becoming the president of somaliland (king of the isaaq clan) through democratic elections which have a one man one vote system as the pillar. my role model in life is president Ahmed Silanyo the hero. i hate the term somali diid because it is a propaganda term and has no basis.

ahh just listen to how the hero defeated somalia.

You can't be serious
i wouldn't of trolled if you didnt use the propaganda term somali diid.
not wanting to be ruled by mogdishu does not mean you are somali diid.
I have a deep attached hatred for anyone who is against somaliland, to the point walaahi were i even ended stabbing someone in the leg during a fight. And one was so scared after we rushed him, him and his family ended up moving to another part of town obamadatazz

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
I hate that whenever there's a mentally ill person, for example on the subway that is ranting and raving, they always seem to find me and engage in 'normal' conversation. It's very unnerving.

For example last week there was this disheveled middle aged man walking up and down the carriage. He was clearly not well and was scaring me and most of the other passengers. He would occasionally yell at a passenger and move on until he saw me. I always make sure not to make eye contact but it never seems to matter. He sat down across from me anyways and suddenly acted calm and relatively normal. Asking me questions about the city, where I'm from etc....

This happens with mentally ill people of all genders and races, they seem to seek me out. It makes me wonder what they see in me. It makes me question my own sanity.

I don't know what it means but it's one of the most disturbing parts about life for me.

That's what I hate.


This happens with mentally ill people of all genders and races, they seem to seek me out. It makes me wonder what they see in me. It makes me question my own sanity.
I don't know what it means but it's one of the most disturbing parts about life for me.That's what I hate.

Thanks for sharing your story with us Miski. Does this happen frequently? I don't think you should be worried or concerned.
I've ran into a lot of people who were mentally consumed. But not to an extent where its disturbing like you mentioned.
Your gender might've played an important role in attracting these people. Women are usually rather approachable.
Therefore theres a higher chance of you being approached by men, because of your gender.
If you were to estimate which gender further approaches you the most what would your answer be?

And lastly, i see you answered what you hate. Do you mind sharing what you love?


I fucking hate when I wake up in the morning craving frosted flakes, dat delicious sweet crunch when u take ur first bite :ahh:, but after you spent energy hiding the cereal box from ur siblings (cereal finishes in 2h avg in my house) you realize theres no caano. I hate that shit man :mjcry: I'm just left standing there looking at what could have been a glorious morning :wow:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
My loves are meeting new people and having new experiences. Once you get older though it's not quite the same and as exhilarating.

As for the gender thing, I dunno maybe you're right.


I fucking hate when I wake up in the morning craving frosted flakes, dat delicious sweet crunch when u take ur first bite :ahh:, but after you spent energy hiding the cereal box from ur siblings (cereal finishes in 2h avg in my house) you realize theres no caano. I hate that shit man :mjcry: I'm just left standing there looking at what could have been a glorious morning :wow:

This reminds me of back home growing up. I'd hide the cereal and niggas will still find it :mjcry:
Not to mention roooti is maris without the rooti or its maris LOL
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My loves are meeting new people and having new experiences. Once you get older though it's not quite the same and as exhilarating.

As for the gender thing, I dunno maybe you're right.

Once you get older? I'm sure you're young. Age might intervene when meeting new people. But in terms of new experiences. Its endless.
I'm a new face though, if you're still open to meeting new people
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