What do you know about the negative effects of vaccines on babies and children

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Some of the side effects of vaccines are:Swelling at injection site, Rash, Fatigue, Headache, Nausea, Chills, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Fever, Seizures, Autism
Guillaine-Barre Syndrome, Brain swelling, Shock, Anaphylaxis, Cardiac arrest, Ataxia, Drowsiness, Insomnia, Narcolepsy, Myalgia, Arthralgia, Urticarial, Edema, Upper respiratory tract infection, Diarrhea, Paralysis, Infertility and evem Death.
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My cousin decided not to vaccinate her kids. Wallahi, no lie he's very intelligent compared to other kids his age.

I think it does have an effect on Somalis, theirs still on going research as too why, but I am pretty certain it does have an effect.
My cousin decided not to vaccinate her kids. Wallahi, no lie he's very intelligent compared to other kids his age.

I think it does have an effect on Somalis, theirs still on going research as too why, but I am pretty certain it does have an effect.
Mashallah your cousin is so smart! I didn't vaccinate any of my kids and alxamdulilaah they are perfectly healthy. They never got sick.


Mashallah your cousin is so smart! I didn't vaccinate any of my kids and alxamdulilaah they are perfectly healthy. They never got sick.

Its very difficult here in Australia, they pretty much force you to vaccinate. The cut off the welfare and you can't take your kids to school where other kids are vaccinate. Did u face any of those diffculties
Its very difficult here in Australia, they pretty much force you to vaccinate. The cut off the welfare and you can't take your kids to school where other kids are vaccinate. Did u face any of those diffculties
Woow! That's horrible! Here in Minnesota you can do a wavier form for the school. They cant force you its your choice but most somali parents don't know this. They just listen and do whatever their doctor tells them. The doctor only cares about money not your children's health. Wallahi alot of educated cadaans dont vaccinate their kids, I have seen this with my own eyes. Omg! It's sad somali parents are getting abused because of welfare subxanallah! Ceydh waa inay iska daayaan sababtoo ah dadka ceydh qaada ilmaha dowladaa la dhashay way la koriyaan lol.


I don't know about other vaccines but I remember reading about the MMR autism scare being sourced to a single for-profit study which has since been debunked and discredited. Then again, 35 vaccines seems excessive, especially considering other countries with world-class health care have less than half of that. Personally I'd be especially suspicious of the U.S for-profit healthcare industry since they have bigger incentive to falsify and lie about findings.
I definitely wouldn't rule out well-documented and major vaccines though.

Its very difficult here in Australia, they pretty much force you to vaccinate. The cut off the welfare and you can't take your kids to school where other kids are vaccinate. Did u face any of those diffculties
That's a retarded policy because in the end they're just punishing the kids.
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