What do you think Somalia needs?

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Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
Most of you all know Somalia still has alot it needs post some of your thoughts

I think we need

- Honest government for example an official has to swear on the quran before taking office

- Qualified patriotic leaders

- Half the salary of politicians and Use the money to create Jobs, This will show whose in It for the money and whose doing It for their country

- build more roads and do some road maintenance on old roads

- do business with other african countries

- Import and export business theres alot of money to be made with camels and other animals especially camel breeding and overprice IT to the arabs

- a police force an honest one that helps the people

- create schools, educate the people on the mistakes Of the past

- create farms, teach people how to farm so they can survive

I think all of this can be done, but as long as we have those who benefit from the misfortune of the people/nation inside the country nothing will ever work, we need to root out all those who want to keep the country weak, politicians and terrorists alike should be rooted but it's easier said than done.
I agree with all your points of what we need, but there's just so much you barely scratched the surface. Also most of the things you listed can't be done without money. The biggest bottleneck to our success as a country and economy is all this fighting and division among our people. There's no way we can have a flourishing economy without political and military stability. Even fucking Doctors without Borders left our country because of the instability and fighting, and those niggas are currently in Syria and Iraq. In todays capitalistic world you can't become a successful nation without being a wealthy one that competes on the global market. Everyone is reaping the benefits of globalization, including some African countries too that seen major boosts to their country's infrastructure (something we badly need to upgrade).. So the first step to prosperity, peace and success as a nation has to be to create stability within Somalia. Then we can go ahead and tackle all the other problems.
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Somalia needs Allah's assistance more than anything. And Allah will not improve the condition of a people, until they first improve themselves.

Self-reflection and self-improvement is what we need first and foremost
Somalia is doing actually pretty good for a 3rd world country.

- Business is slowly coming back.

- More and more Somalis are returning back home with education.

- Still has less homicides and killings than Chicago and L.A.

- Qabiil is there, but isn't as bad as it was a decade ago.

- 1/5th of all new born Somalis are born in dibadaha.

So yea, future looks bright. Its not as good as in the US, but its going in the right direction.
Somalia needs Allah's assistance more than anything. And Allah will not improve the condition of a people, until they first improve themselves.

Self-reflection and self-improvement is what we need first and foremost
If a Somali hears Somalia needs Allah he will just just sit his ass down and pray to God 24/7 like wtf


Lol at an honest leader :cryinglaughsmiley: Ain't no honest people around. Politicians lie to get where they wanna be. They'll say one thing today, and do something else tomorrow.

What Somalia needs is people who genuinely care about the country. Somalia needs people like me.

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