What gets weirder the more you think about it?

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For me it's a few things.

  • Beef cat food. I have some cats and other day I was trying to buy some cat food, seen some Beef and Gravy cat food and was like imma bless my cats tonight. Then when I was at the checkout i was like wtf damn these cats eating cows now too, we done fucked up the food chain wallahi
  • The word bed actually looks like a bed
  • How atoms are 99.99% free space. So we're mostly made up of nothing. Our entire universe is made up of mostly nothing. To make it weirder, I think if you took all the atoms of the entire human race and removed the free space it would amount to just 1 sugar cube. This one always fucks with me when i try to fully comprehend it.
  • lool this one i always wondered since I was a kid, but if you look at the alphabets theres no logical explanation/reasoning in why their ordered like that. Seriously who the f*ck decided they should be in that order? I always wanted to know
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