This dhaqan xumo is not specific to a certain hotel, nor a certain city but it is a nationwide issue. With the rise of social media fisqi and susooq is becoming wide spread.@Jungle ciyaal weero to this eebow dhaqan xumada xamar ka jirta waa maxay? Is the goal to eradicate shabaab through niiko?
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Niiko .Lol f*ck off al shabab literally have gay sex in the bushes everyone knows
reer xamar will do whatever they want saqajaan kaa thy wass
Lol f*ck off al shabab literally have gay sex in the bushes everyone knows
reer xamar will do whatever they want saqajaan kaa thy wass
Its owned by a guy who stole millions of dollars in food aid from the poor during a famine. Do you think he cares about some h0ejabis shaking their futo?
Looks like bantu influence boi.Relax guys its just a performance, these use to be normal back in the day. Its not to everyone's taste but just avoid it then nobody is forcing you to watch.