What is the purpose of dugsi

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I learned more about the Quran and the Diin outside of Dugsi than i did when i was attending it.

In Nairobi, the teachers would beat the shit out of you if u got anything wrong, so it was a place of fear and loathing.

I am glad they stopped that now.
the dugsi schools should teach kids how to read and understand the quran . My dugsi years was spent on reading quran verses and never knowing the meaning of the words i was saying in arabic .

One of the reason why youth join ISIS and Al-Shabaab is because of lack of understanding of the quran. Our dugsi needs to be reformed and all the dugsi teachers must be professionals with license .


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Would you guys take your kids to dugsi?
Why do you gaal mofo's care smh these pagans are persistent I give them that.

Dugsi & learning the Quran nourishes the soul, you wouldn't understand cause you're lacking one vital ingredient which is called imaan. I would teach my children Quran & the Sunna as soon as they can speak.
Why do you gaal mofo's care smh these pagans are persistent I give them that.

Dugsi & learning the Quran nourishes the soul, you wouldn't understand cause you're lacking one vital ingredient which is called imaan. I would teach my children Quran & the Sunna as soon as they can speak.
I was in a dugsi and their was no soul nourishment their was only bruised hands .


Prince of East Africa
It's called malcaamad not dugsi :comeon:...Anyways I think they should teach kids Arabic grammar and vocab.I dont understand the point of memorizing the entireQuran and not understanding anything.:snoop:

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
If you don't believe the soul, God, xisaab, cadaab ,ajar iyo akhiro then you'll never know the purpose.

If you do, then all of those in themselves are a purpose, whether you understand the quran or not.
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