What is up with UK Somalis and hooyo's kitchen knife (CCTV footage slashing)

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Why do these bum ass niggas think they can get away with that shit?

Warya you're tall, black but not really and lanky as f*ck. You're part of the most easily identifiable group on the planet la xalwo

Even old grannies can pick out a Mali in a lineup. And we got cameras everywhere too.
1.that is not a kitchen knife .these kids use machetes and flick knifes .

2.posession of an illegal firearm Carries a minimum fire years sentence.

3.i am confident that fellow is of African Caribbean mixed race heritage .si fican firsada the still image .


'Murica has lax gun laws because they needed to kill off the Indians in the old days and those outdated 2nd amendment laws still exist. Britain is a densely populated island that can't allow for people to have guns.
His skin is to light to be somali and the facial features are distinct from common African features, most likely a mix or Carribean.

Many Somalis are the same skin colour or lighter than him . As an athropologist , I would say he is most likely African Caribbean or of mixed heritage . He may also be those Swahili -Somali ,Yemeni- muwalads .


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
I'm sure that everyone here knows that @UncleClickbait throws in the word 'Somali' to spice up his threads and if you didn't.. well now you know.
The kid isn't Somali and the knife he's using is known as gravity knife. @AbdiJohnson you clearly didn't step a foot outside the gay bars you visited on your trip to London.. No one carries knives in their pockets.. The knives are hidden into the belt buckles or wedged in between the pants.

:bell: 80% kulaha, makes it up as he goes.
I'm sure that everyone here knows that @UncleClickbait throws in the word 'Somali' to spice up his threads and if you didn't.. well now you know.
The kid isn't Somali and the knife he's using is known as gravity knife. @AbdiJohnson you clearly didn't step a foot outside the gay bars you visited on your trip to London.. No one carries knives in their pockets.. The knives are hidden into the belt buckles or wedged in between the pants.

:bell: 80% kulaha, makes it up as he goes.
Moreover , could you imagine the police attention if 80 % of Somalis males were crying knifes .? Every farax would be searched and have his testicles stretched 3 times a day . The good thing About Somalis is that thieves tend to congregate and are easily noticeable .most local police forces get on well with the Somalis and know exactly who the goons are .i have even seen police relaxing and enjoying tea @ Somali cafes .
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